Thursday, October 23, 2008

A Long Overdue Talk....

Today I had a nice long conversation with my sister in law. We usually talk a lot and about EVERYTHING! It just seems that life has been so busy for both of us that we haven't been able to connect for the past....few months I think!

I am so lucky that I found a husband that loves me....but more importantly I get along with his family. His sister is my best friend and I don't know what I would do without her in my life!! I just wish she lived closer so we could have those great times we had WAY WAY back in the day when we would shop til we dropped, get our nails done...oh yeah and she would drive the Taurus (tore ass as we called it) with the carpeted dash and crash into parked Lexus'!

Anyway enough reminiscing! Makes me miss her even more! We did a typical Thursday around here it seems. Library for story time in the morning and then skating lessons in the afternoon.

Addison is doing FANTASTIC! Her teacher told me today that next week....NO BUCKET!! My two year bucket...not sure I ready for that!!

Ashleigh has hit a little snag in her skating ability! Addison's teacher told me that it is normal and she will out grow it and then sail right through the classes. Ashleigh doesn't like to move her right leg. She uses it as a "plant" leg and is afraid to lift it in fear that she will fall. This causes her not to skate as quickly as everyone else.

Near the end of the session, I told her to move both feet and she started to use her right leg more and is doing better. She told me she likes to go fast so hopefully next week she will remember to use it. The teacher told me that usually that's how it goes...they one day just switch and start using both legs.

I have a mountain of laundry and days of Guiding Light to catch up I must go. Tomorrow looks pretty boring for us so hopefully I can find some time to put the camera software on and post pics! I have a ton!


Tifanni said...

don't forget about your super awesome cousin :)

Rick, Heather, Ashleigh and Addison said...

Yes how could I forget my super awesomest cousin!!