Thursday, August 23, 2012

Life Changes

Woohoo!!! A new blog from me that wasn't posted a year from the last one!!! Lol I crack myself up!

So I'm thinking about making some major life changes in my life.  Nothing bad....but all good and it's really got me to thinking a lot lately....I know scary thought!!!

I wonder if I'm ready for something like this...can I really juggle something else on my the REALLY what I want to do??? I guess if I don't at least try then I'll never know!

I have a very supportive husband who is encouraging me to try new things as well as an amazing Mom who also supports me.  I've got the support I just need me to actually DO it!!!

What scares me is change.  I don't like change and this will be a major change.  You'd think in the life I lead, change would be welcome and easy for me....we've moved 11 times in our 11 years of marriage and 3 times were across country....but it's not.  It always takes me awhile before I'm comfortable in a new place and with new things.  It's also the unknown at worries me.  I know I can't sit and worry about things I can't control....but I do! Its just me! :)

Anyway I'm kind of excited about what the future may bring and am trying to convince myself that I'm ready for this new chapter in my life!

Until next time!! Maybe I'll actually post a few new pics one of these days!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Back On The Blog Band Wagon!!!

I'm sure no one read this...but....I've been reading a lot of blogs lately and realized just how much I missed blogging for my own sanity!!

I'm kinda tired of Facebook and still learning twitter after a year or more trying to learn...not sure I'll ever get the hang of it!!!! I love Pinterest but I need my own words to express how I feel.

Everytime I think about my blog, I log on and see its been a year + since I've last blogged! I love sharing my stories...even if it is just me that gets a chuckle out of them! So all my faithful readers...hahahaha...I'm back and ready to share more Bronwell craziness!!!

What's in the agenda for today you ask???? Thank God it's not as hot as it has we'll probably head outside and I've been promising my kids to sign up for summer reading since school got out...which was June 8th! In my defense we were on vacation until June 19th so it's only been a few weeks vs closer to a month! Total Mom Of The Year Award coming my way!!!