The home opener was fantastic last night!! The Sharks won which made it even better!
As I said yesterday, we were super busy. We started with skating lessons and then went to the game. This meant that we had to get ready at the practice rink, after lessons and then went over to the game rink for the game.
This girls are both doing very well skating. ]
Addison finally got a helmet that fit her thanks to Daddy! She wore figure skates, like her teacher wanted her to , and she did so much better!! I think the longer blade and a skate that actually fit really helped her.
Her teacher told me, after the lesson, that she is doing great! She said she wishes that all her students were as enthusiastic about skating and getting off the bucket as Addison is! Every time I looked up, she was trying to skate away from her class and without the bucket! It was too funny!
Ashleigh is now working on skating backwards. Her new skates really seem to stabilizer her ankle better. I am so proud of both girls!
Ashleigh found Sharkie!! She gave him a hug at first and then decided to have her picture taken with him! She also saw him in the elevator when she went potty in between the period. We saw him after the game, without costume, and Addison was so talkative to him!! But, as usual when he is in costume, he tried to give her high five, she turned her head and wouldn't do it...although we are making a little progress. She isn't crying like she used to!! Some day!
The home opener is always exciting. This time was no different. There is something about being inside a place with 17,496 Sharks fans that is magical. I have never experienced anything like it. It is so loud that it is crazy! So for those of you that want to visit...come on down!! I took a few pictures of the pre game show and intro of players. They did something really neat with putting video images on the ice. I even got a picture of Rick. Everyone that has center ice I'm sure got to see him too. My mom said they they saw the girls and I after the game. She knew where we were sitting and what color shirt I had on. She said we were in the background of the post game interview.
Rick's the guy in the gray jacket with the towel on his shoulder. My seats aren't that great, but I can't complain because each one is over $1500 a season..and we get them free...even if it is just 2 seats we get.
Addison slept the first period and the first intermission. Ashleigh was intent on taking advantage of her sleepiness! This is the face when she was asking if she could have cotton candy and eat it all while Addison was sleeping......
And this is her chowing it down!! Addison did wake up for a minute to have a little bite and a few handfuls of popcorn.
1 comment:
I love the blog..but it does make me miss you guys terribly!!!
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