We went to the mall today to finish up Halloween costume shopping for the girls. Ashleigh's dress came a few days ago and Addison's is still in transit...I HOPE! We got their shoes today. Ashleigh now tells me she wants something else to go with her costume so we have to go back one last time! I want to get it done early so we aren't hunting around for things. I already had to go to two different malls today just to get a pair of shoes!
I also decided that since I was kinda in a weird mood that I need some retail therapy! Ashleigh is getting SOOO tall that all her clothes don't fit! I was able to get great sales at Carter's and Old Navy. They weren't very happy about shopping...especially Addison since she didn't get anything! lol
I also had to go to the hair supply store today. I wanted to get Rick's Mom some conditioner for her birthday coming up; that and I needed lotion. My flat iron broke a few days ago. I bought in Montana right after Grandma died because I used it the day of her funeral. That's how I can remember when I bought it. Well I threw away the receipt thinking that I spent $130 on something and it surely won't break. Boy was I wrong!!
In May, the cord started shorting out. Now I don't use it much..only if I am going somewhere. I usually just wash, dry and go. I figured I could live with the short and it wasn't that bad. I was getting ready for the hockey game on Saturday and, low and behold the things starts flickering on and off. I wiggle the cord and that's when the sparks started FLYING! Luckily I had my old hunk of junk one that I could use until I figured out what to do.
I had contacted the company a few months ago regarding the short and was informed, even though they have a life time warranty, that I had to send $35 along with my flat iron and they would see if they could fix it.
So today at the hair mall, as the girls call it, I asked them about this problem. I didn't want to spend the money on something that would do this again. The girls there told me that this has happened ALL the time and that CHI FLAT IRONS ARE A RIP OFF! They told me it wasn't worth sending it in to be fixed because it would probably happen again.
I ended up buying another brand of flat iron for $60. The girls said it was much better than a Chi and when you buy a Chi, you are paying for the name. So if you are thinking about buying one....DON'T! You can get a better product for half the price! This same thing has happened to Rick's sister and a girl she works with...twice! I even took really good care of my cord....buying a cord protector and really making sure I didn't wrap it around the flat iron.
Okay enough of my rant about flat irons. Here are a few pictures from the mall today. Ashleigh loves playing mother hen to Addison. She held her hand while they walked in the mall.
Of course we had to stay and play. Ashleigh decided she didn't want to play because there were too many kids in the play area. That lasted about 5 minutes and then I had to drag her out when it was time to go home!
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