Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Gus Got A Hair Cut!

Today was a big day for Gus! (The girls named him after the chubby mouse in Cinderella.) He went to the groomer. Now I am not sure that I like his cut. I think it is a good summer cut, but for the winter, I'm not sure it is good. If you didn't know, Gus is a Snorkie. He's half Schnauzer and half Yorkie. He will be 6 months old in October.

I think I like his face in the Schnauzer cut but his body in the Yorkie style...a little longer. He has been to the groomer once before and they just trimmed his head and tail. This time, since he was looking a lot shaggy, we decided to get his whole body cut. He looks naked! lol I guess I am used to seeing him all shaggy so seeing him groomed is a change. Here are a few before pictures and a few after. The groomer told me he is a two person dog because he is so hyper. A typical Bronwell dog! lol

Before=shaggy Gus

After=naked Gus

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