I officially became a soccer mom today!! We tried to get Ashleigh signed up for Spring soccer at the Y in April, but it was full before we could register. For fall session, I wasn't taking any chances! She is super excited about playing "soccer ball" as she says. Addison thinks she is going to play too but she is a little too young still. You have to be 3. She will be old enough for Spring 2009. We have been taking it easy. Doing a little cleaning...nothing too exciting. Oh...Addison is getting potty trained!! Much to her dismay! I can't wait for no more diapers!! lol And a note about the aquarium....Rick was disappointed that I didn't share that while on the beach, we saw a washed up, dead jelly fish. Of course this was when the battery went dead on my camera so I had to take a picture with my phone. Rick, and the girls, thought it was just the coolest thing to touch, (You had to know that my crazy family would touch it!!) a dead jelly fish! Thanks to Finding Nemo...we knew that the tops don't sting. Rick tried to find a stick or something to flip it over and as soon as the next wave came in..it was gone! Pretty neat though!

Jelly Fish In The Surf
1 comment:
You know whats better then being a soccer mom-I'm the soccer boss :)
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