Today we reached a HUGE milestone!! Thursdays are our busy day with story time at the library, with our new friends, and then skating lessons for Ashleigh in the afternoon. Today Addison wanted to start skating. She did FANTASTIC! She kept trying to skate without the bucket! lol I am so proud of her!! She is the youngest one on the ice!
By the end of the session, she was able to stand up by herself and actually walk in the skates. She said she wants to do it next week and she had so much fun! it's amazing how fast kids pick up things!
She was even learning how to get up by herself when she fell!
She had a blast doing the chicken dance during the free skate part of the session.
Some of the pictures are kinda blurry because I have to take most of them through the glass and without a flash. If I use a flash it is all dark because they are so far away and the glare off the glass.
Ashleigh is doing so good as well! She is learning to keep her feet together and really was doing the drills good today. Of course she was so proud that her little sister was skating today. She kept falling during lesson time because she was too busy see what Addison was doing and not paying attention! lol A child of mine, nosy? NEVER!! lol
I'm a little sad that Rick missed seeing Addison skate. He is out of town today in Canada. He will miss next week as well because it is the first home game of the regular season. That will be a very busy day for us! I needed his help today because Addison's helmet didn't want to fit on right. She just has a bike helmet until we can see if she really was going to skate and then she will get a hockey helmet. I needed the equipment expert today!!
I also think that we are destined to have a figure skater in our family! There was a competition today at the rink. The ballerina's, as the girls call them, were everywhere. We ate dinner at the rink after the lessons and there was a ballerina stretching right near our table. Ashleigh walked over to her and said, "Excuse me. Your skirt is so beautiful!" The girl didn't really know what to say! lol Ashleigh was in awe of all the older girls jumping and skating to music and of course their sparkly dresses!
1 comment:
Holy Crap, I can't hardly stand up on skates. Your girls kick butt :)
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