Monday, October 6, 2008

A Play Date Today!

Today we just kinda hung out at home. Ashleigh was looking at her picture book and brings me a picture of my Grandma and says, "I miss Great Grandma! I want to go to Owen's home and see her!" I told her that when her Great Grandma died, she went to heaven and was playing with Owen. It's amazing to me what kids remember!

Anyway we were going to do some running around when our friends from the pony ride day called and wanted to know if they could come over for a bit. The mom had a doctors appointment and didn't want to take the older two kids.

They came over for about 2 hours. Of course this meant that I had to bust around cleaning! Those of you that know me know that usually my house is a zoo unless someone is coming over! lol I cleaned a bit yesterday thankfully so I only had to really clean the girls' room. I don't know why I bothered because they kids just messed it up again!

It is weird to have a little boy in our house! I am so used to girls! Aaron, the little boy, had to go potty. I had to ask his older sister if he stands up to go pee pee or sits down. I have girls!! I don't know! She tells me that he has to sit because he pees all over the toilet! Again, excuse the retardedness....I have kids without aiming issues! lol

The kids had a good time playing. They all played pretty well together. Gus didn't like all the other kids here. They seemed afraid of him so of course he was extra obnoxious! I am hoping, with some time, he will be better with company.

I have been trying to post something everyday and I have to say I am pretty proud of myself that I have been able to do it now for almost 3 weeks I think! I like to read what people are doing and I figure that if you take the time to come here, then I should have something new for you to read about....HINT HINT to those of you that don't blog enough!! lol

Time for me to think about going to bed. I'm sure I won't be asleep for a long time...but I gotta at least try! Besides the monkeys are running wild and need to have help with teeth brushing! Until tomorrow.......

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