Sunday, November 16, 2008

WARNING! It's Not Been A Good Day!!

Seriously I see why mom's go postal!! It has been one of those...well past few days that I just feel like crying!

The girls have been okay...but Ashleigh is apparently going through a stage of bitchiness! I have no other word for it! She has been so bad the past few days that I want to strangler her!! She has been mean to Addison and very disrespectful. When she was in time out, she started banging her head on the wall....real smart I know!

I don't know what has gotten into her. I want my sweet little girl back! I think it's the stress of everything that is finally getting to me. I tried to take them to Gilroy Gardens and after 4 rides and continuous fighting I said forget it we are leaving.

I don't think Addison has been feel well so that doesn't help matters. She seems to take satisfaction in making her sister angry. I am just so frustrated I could cry!

Then they do things they aren't supposed to do and get hurt then cry...I'm losing it! I know every parent has these days....but I really feel like I am going to lose it!

Thanks for letting me vent. I love my girls more than anything and I am PRAYING this is a stage we are going through! Oh and on top of all this, the house is a mess and I broke the top of my fish tank while cleaning it! Life is great!

1 comment:

Tifanni said...

Watch out so you don't get too nutty and end up like my mom :)
Honestly-I"m sure it will pass in a day or two :)