We had to get their late because KidsPark, the drop in daycare, wasn't open until 1:00 and the game started at 1:15. All I can say is that we had NO idea what we were in store for!! Thank God we didn't bring the girls!!
It all started when we were trying to find our parking lot. Luckily with the tickets we were given a parking pass. The first guy we asked just pointed in a vague direction and refused to talk! OoooKay whatever floats your boat buddy was what I was thinking. The next guy actually had a voice and told us that way and pointed. The third guy actually seemed to have a brain and said it was the next gate.
Now this is where it gets interesting. So like I said we got there late..but better late then never right? We get patted down to even get in the stadium. We walk into a cloud of cigarette smoke because apparently the smoking area is right in the tunnel to where you walk in at. I'm not a smoker so I seriously about gagged! Now we have to try to find our seats. Luckily they were near where we came in. There are people screaming and yelling everywhere! We have experienced a lot of professional sporting events...but this one is one that won't soon be forgotten!!
We find our section and our row and discover that their are no empty seats in the row and we are still standing the aisle! I don't know much about football etiquette because I only know hockey but we try to wait until a break in the action, and believe me there wasn't much action even going on, before looking for just some random seats to sit in. I am too scared to sit in seats that aren't ours and Rick is too scared to ask someone to move from our seats! lol We...well I decided to go get the usher and have him help us with our seats....which I'm thinking is the best choice right? WRONG!!!!
Rick wanted to leave at this point and my dumbass insisted that we at least stay a bit. So I tell the usher I think someone is in our seats. He looks at me like I am speaking a foreign language and says....."What do you mean....YOU THINK?!?!?!" So I tell him that our row is full and there is someone in our seats. He just looks at us like, again, we are speaking a foreign language. Now I may be wrong, but isn't it an ushers job to deal with this?? Apparently the Oakland Raiders have different ideas as to what an usher should do.
Rick is really getting paranoid now because he doesn't know what I am going to do!! lol I'm about to bust in the row and sit down. Damn it I wanted to watch the game!! So I try to tell these kids that they are in our seats. Again, the dumb look from them....and finally they moved so we could sit down. Heaven forbid we have to get up to pee!!!
So knowing me, and you all do! lol, there were LOTS of crazy fans to take pictures of!! That was the best part for me!
Now I like football...but not when both team SUCK! The Raiders were 3-8 I think and the Chiefs were 1-10. They pretty much just stood around! I was so bored!! I think that Rick was bored too! There were calling timeouts with 20 seconds left in the half when they had possession of the ball!
The good thing is that the Chiefs improved their record to 2-10 after beating them 20-13...GO CHIEFS!! lol
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