Well let me tell you the events of tonight before I post the after picture!!
I just came in from the garage after switching over some laundry when I noticed that a branch of the tree had fallen on the ground and the lights in the back were kinda messed up. I wanted everything to look all Christmasy so that Rick wouldn't notice the house being a mess! I turned on the lights in the village...and left the lights on outside and left the tree on. So I decide to try and fix the branch....not a good idea!!!
I get my not so small self on the ground and proceed to try to get under the tree to fix it. The dog starts barking because I am making so much noise trying to find the hole that they branch goes into. Addison comes out to see what is going on. Keep in mind that it is after midnight when all of this is occurring.
After yelling at Gus and telling Addison to go back to bed before I spank her...like I would have been able to get up that fast! Anyway back to work I go on trying to fix the tree. I finally find the hole and things are good.....until I try to straighten the tree. I should have left well enough alone....but oh no! Not me!!
So I gradually start to pull the tree to the right thinking that it just needs to be settled on the carpet differently. That's when things went bad!! I hear a crack. Now I'm not stupid....but apparently I had both a blonde moment and a woman moment. I heard the crack but didn't really think something was going on....remember I am the one that missed the track at the car wash and did $3800 in damage to my car! Okay so I still pull it to the right.......and well it is to the right more now....not standing up!!!
So now I am freaking out because it is late for one, two Gus is barking again, and three Addison comes out and wants to know what I did to the tree!! I don't have a clue what I am going to do!! So I call Rick thinking since he just landed that he will be sympathetic....WRONG!!! After telling him what happens, he laughs....and laughs hard!!!
After he gets done laughing, he tells me to leave it and he will look at it when he gets home. So I am thinking okay fine I can do that when I look over and see a cat starts to shimmy up it!!! Remember I have a 15 lb cat, a 25 lb cat and a small 8 lb cat.....take a guess which one was trying to climb my downed tree!! So now I'm thinking....I need to get the ornaments off before they are all broken.
So now I have to undecorate the tree...a chore I HATE doing at all let alone twice in one year!!! I know that when the girls get up in the morning, especially Ashleigh, a melt down will for sure happen! I finally get the ornaments off and now I had to share my oh so Bronwell Christmas story with all my faithful readers!! Typical Bronwell fashion!
Um, Merry Christmas??? I am sorry about your tree. (But don't be too mad at Rick, it is pretty hilarious!)
Don't worry I didn't get mad at him! Now that I see the tree in the middle of the floor I do have to laugh at the whole situation! Seems the stand on the bottom broke...so we are trying to find a new one and then get a new tree at the end of the season! lol
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