So I am going to catch up a bit with the pictures from our past few weeks or so. I hope everyone enjoys!
Let me first start with the birthday party that we went to last Friday. The girls had a total blast! I didn't pick out very appropriate clothes for them to wear! lol

I love the panties shot here! lol

Ashleigh and her friend Michaela

All the kids!!

Ashleigh and her friend again! She loves having little girlfriends!

Addison and Lindsey...the birthday boy's sister. Both the girls love her and she is sooo good with them!

Cheesing it up in one of the blow up things!

Ashleigh and Carter, the birthday boy!

Addison trying to "stop" the hamster ball from rolling!

This guy was great!! He was left in the stands after a Sharks game. Those of you that have been to the tank know that it is LOUD and I don't know how you can sleep....oh wait..he was passed out!! lol His buddy had to poke him and shake him to get him to wake up!! Too funny!

Ashleigh loving Addison before bed.

I can't believe that Addison ran right up to Sharkie downstairs before the last game!! This is the closest she has gotten without holding on to me!! I'm so pumped!! lol

Look at my raisins!

Cheesing it up after the ice cream from Aunt Norma!

Ashleigh and her tattoo! She LOVES it!

Ashleigh, Addison, Lilly and Griffin after a game
I wanted to show my Christmas decorations this year. I'm pretty proud that I have managed to find a place for everything. The girls love the things that make noises. They lined them up in front of the tree so I could take a picture. That's what made me take pictures of a few other things as well.

Addison again sporting the no pants look!

I ended up getting my Grandma's Christmas village when we cleaned out the house. I wasn't sure about it as I started setting it up....but I think it turned out pretty good. The painting above was also from my grandparent's house. I like the village so much that I think I am going to add a piece a year to my collection and get a special table next year just to put it on.

It all wouldn't fit on the this is the little bit that didn't fit.

I tried to get all the lights in but didn't feel like going in the street. We added the deer this year because Grandma and Grandpa Boom have them in their yard and when the girls saw pictures they had to have them too! lol

I love my door! lol My dad made the bell thing for my grandparents and the bow came from their stuff as well....and the snowman I had. If you didn't know...I LOVE snowmen for Christmas! My mom always gets me something snowman for Christmas and I always seem to buy whatever I see. I love them!

Our sectional is in front of the fireplace and the mantle is full of village so I decided to use my curio cabinet for our stockings. The girls picked out their stockings last year and Rick wrote on them. My mom made the tree on the top for my Grandma...again more stuff I managed to end up with!! lol
1 comment:
Oh, I love all the pictures of Granny's old stuff. They look so cute. We are still in the process of decorating. We just went and poached a few trees, but I"ll have pictures on my blog in the next day or so.
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