I am
sooo glad Halloween is over for another year!!! It wore me out!! Before I get to the pictures, I have to vent a bit. So it rained last night and some today. I get up at 8 and get in the shower and come out to find a message from Ashleigh's soccer coach. The message said that the Y called them and they decided to not have practice and there wouldn't be a make up game. Well I am pissed! I called the rain hot line all morning and not once did it say that soccer was canceled. I even left a message complaining that we had soccer canceled by our coaches. I don't know what I am going to say to them next week, which is the last week. Ashleigh is angry that she doesn't get to go. I don't think they have the right to just cancel practice for everyone just
because they don't want to come and then no make up game. I can tell you this...I won't be doing Y soccer for as long as we live in California. This has NOT been a good experience!!
Okay...now that I got that off my chest...here come a TON of Halloween pictures!

I present to you.....Princess Belle

I present to you.....Princess Snow White

My princess girls!



They just love getting all dressed up with the makeup and glitter!
We started off out busy day with trick or treating in Rick's office at the game rink. The girls got so much candy we should have stopped there!! But oh no! We had to get tons!
Going in with Daddy for office Trick or Treating

Look how cute are!! We are getting extra candy
because we are so cute!

The office staff just loves the girls! They were so happy to be at Daddy's rink!
Checking out our stash so far!

Ashleigh sampling a sucker!

Snow White has an attitude!

Cheese as we wait for Daddy to quit yakking!
Ashleigh has been bugging Rick to take her out on the ice. Yesterday was a perfect time! Addison was "sleeping" so it was just Ashleigh at first. Addison "woke up" and then had to have a turn. I don't think she was sleeping! I think she was faking!
Princess Belle on the ice

Time keeper duties now

Time out for Belle!

Ashleigh was so excited to be on the ice! I had to explain to her why everyone doesn't get to do this and that she and her sister were special! She loved that she is special!
Look at me!!!

Belle the hockey player....sitting on the Sharks bench

Addison's turn on the ice was hilarious!! Her princess shoes kept making her fall on her bottom and she would go, "My panties are all cold and my buns are wet!"
She loved it when Daddy spun her around and she would kick her little legs trying to stop!
Trying to stop as she is getting spun!

Hide and seek time in the locker room is the best
with the stall hiding places!

Ashleigh's turn
After the office trick or treating and helping Daddy get ready for his road trip, we rushed to get something to eat and then off to trick or treat with our friends. Ashleigh was so tired she took a nap in her costume!

Snow White - Addison, Belle - Ashleigh, and Ariel - Ashley

Here comes Addison bringing up the rear!

My friends oldest son, Austin, helped Addison all night long! I am so thankful for him! I hate going up to doors!! He got tons of extra candy because everyone thought Addison was so cute they loaded her and him up!
The princess girls cleaned up on the candy!

Addison and Austin slow and steady!

Jacob, my friends other son with his oh so creepy candy bag!

There were 8 kids total in our group.

I thought these pumpkins were cute! An idea for next year!

Look at my tongue Mommy! And my wig starting to fall off!!
Ashleigh got cold right at the end of the night and here she is with her coat on and eating her friends candy because she didn't get enough!

All five of the kids chowing down on candy!! Just what they need!

Addison was so tired she passed out in the car on the way home! They only live a few miles from us! She was so good! Such a trooper!

The loot!! This isn't all of it either! We forgot a bucket full! They got so much candy that a brown paper bag is almost full!! We are going to be eating candy for months!!!
Thats a ton of candy that you got!!!
I can't believe they cancelled your game due to rain. We cancel for nothing, not even snow. I would contact your local Y sports director and log a complaint.
I know! We only trick or treated for about an hour or so! Addy really hauled it in! lol And I left a message on the voice mail of the soccer guy asking for a call back. I am still pretty mad about the whole situation!
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