Today was the first soccer for Ashleigh. We are a little tired as we didn't get home from the game until 11:30 pm and the girls were still awake at 12:15 am when I finally managed to think about bed. But nonetheless we got up bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning at 8:30 am and were ready to go! I was a little apprehensive about this soccer thing because it was the first time we have really ventured into team sports. Skating is fun because it's really just the teacher teaching parental
involvement. Well let's just say that soccer today was interesting.
Ashleigh was a little scared and sleepy in the beginning, but then seemed to warm up a bit.

Now I need advice from all you soccer pro mom's! I know that some of you have put your child in soccer at the Y and I want to hear about what you guys do. I know it was the coach's first time coaching...but I am not sure about it. It was a lady and her husband...but her husband didn't make it to the practice today because he was at the Sharks game last night! Too funny I think. I didn't say anything and kept my mouth shut for once! I know....shocking! There were 7 kids signed up for her class. An older girl didn't even put on her shirt and try to play and then the coach lady had an older boy (more on him later!) and a daughter about Addison's age that just played in her own little world. They are supposed to be 3 to start but I think this girl was 2-2 1/2. So Ashleigh was really the only girl. I had a chance when signing her up to put her in an all girls class later on in the season and decided to go with co-ed thinking it would be good for her to be around both boys and girls. After today, I am not sure this was the smartest decision! There were two boys age 5 that were..well I guess being boys! One was the coach lady's kid and the other was his friend. Well the boys
proceeded to keep kicking the ball as had as they could every chance they got. So you have my sweet little girl ( I not biased am I!) trying to practice kicking the ball while walking and then you have these
hellians kicking the ball as hard as they can. They hurt two different kids when they kicked the ball and hit them in the face....all while the mother, the coach lady, doesn't say anything. I am not
sure what to do. I don't know if I am being over protective or what. We learned the skills we are supposed to in 15 minutes and then spend the rest of the time doing games...that well...weren't so good I didn't think. I really don't
know what I was expecting....if it would be kids just running around playing the game or drills to learn the game the entire time, but I didn't feel that there was enough instruction. I looked around and could see all the other classes involved in drills to practice kicking the ball at the net. I felt like our class was the only ones basically goofing around. I am
trying to open minded and remember that it is the first practice and hope ti gets better! So anyway the parental involvement was a bare minimum. I had to be her partner during one
exercise so I managed to handle it. The best thing was that Ashleigh had a good time. She was running around full of energy once she woke up!

She seemed to catch on to the drills fairly quickly and really seemed to be enjoying herself. She was very patient waiting her turn in line when we did actually kick the ball at the goal.

She was pretty sweaty at the end of the class....considering it was 80 degrees today and that was at 10 am!!! I even had a sweat going on! Since she was the only girl that completed the whole hour long class...she was the only one that kicked the ball in the goal
every time! She was pretty pumped up about that!

This was after she scored another goal!
She really enjoyed getting to have a snack at the end of the class. Addison even got to have one...and speaking of are a few pictures of her day at the soccer field! She's a ham and entertains herself and others quite well! The parents were pretty entertained at her antics! Only our daughter!
First she was digging in the dirt and when she had enough of that........

then came the dirt angels!