My New Years resolution is to be more up to date on my blog!! I have been totally slacking lately and I end up blogging about is how much I am slacking!!!
I finally have been able to put some pictures o my computer from my camera. I just feels o busy and have so much to do that I haven't had time! I am going to put some up on my blog everyday until I get them all up!
These are from the Sharks Christmas party we had in December. The girls had such a good time!! Ashleigh skated for HOURS!! She loves to skate!! Addison was very scared at all the pucks flying past her and the fast skaters. She didn't end up skating very long but did have a good time as well!!

Rick is trying to get Addison to skate by using buckets with her! It didn't last too long. I ended up helping her and using the buckets for me!!! My skates were KILLING my feet!! I think it took me longer to get them laced up then it did to skate!!!

I LOVE this picture!!! Ashleigh was skating so good and really was enjoying being on the ice!

We skated over to see Santa. Daddy had to fix his hat. Addison wasn't so sure about him at first, but ended up coming over so we could have a family picture taken with him. I have to get a new scanner so I can scan it and post it.

Ashleigh and her friend and her dad.

Of course we had to take a picture with Sharkie!! Addison decided she wanted to sleep in Daddy's office so she missed out on seeing Sharkie.

Ashleigh LOVES LOVES LOVES ribs!! Our good friends at High Five catered for us. The food was amazing!!!

Addison woke up to eat!! lol

They are so cute!!

Funny face time!!! She definitely takes after her father!!! lol

Ashleigh was pretty pumped about her gigantic Santa cookie!!

Addison was also pretty pumped about her gigantic Snowman cookie!!

Each kid that is part of the team got a gift. There were presents everywhere. They had the kids sit and wait for their name to be called. Addison was called about 2nd or so. When she heard her name, she just sat there! I had to go and tell her that it was her and not someone else! She didn't know what to do and was so shocked that her name was called so soon! lol Her present was bigger than she was!! She caused a great laugh with her taking a picture and barely seeing her little head!!

Ashleigh, on the other hand, had to wait until almost the end to get her present!! She waited so patiently and didn't whine or cry about not getting her gift. I think she was 2nd from the end on getting her present!

Finally getting to take her picture with Santa!!

Addison LOVED her gift!! She toted this HUGE box all around the rink showing everyone! lol

Ashleigh's box was so heavy...and like Addison, she toted it all around showing everyone!!
Addison got a Little People Royal Castle and Ashleigh got Dora Bowling. We are very fortunate to be part of a team that values family as much as the Sharks. Since this is our first team in the NHL, we don't know how other teams are, but it was so nice that they do this for the kids. The other teams we have been on haven't done anything like this. Last year we were in Kansas City and missed it. I am so glad we were able to make it this year. It just makes our holiday season and adventure with the Sharks a little more special!
I"m glad your back. I was about to e-mail and see if you dropped off the face of the earth :)
I know!! I need to email you too!! lol
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