Addison turns three today!! I can't believe she is three!!! Doesn't seem like that long ago when we were in the hospital with her. Still the first and only game Rick has ever missed! lol
We celebrated last night so we could do so as a family. There is a game today and we would have only gotten a few minutes at lunch to open presents and do cake and ice cream. We decided not to do a party just because we really don't know anyone here. We are getting together with two friends of the girls on Thursday after skating and before the game. Should be fun!
Addison woke up today with the pukes!!! Poor thing!! It's like one of my friends said....that's how she'll spend her 21st! lol I think she just had a little bug. She wants to go to the game so we are going to attempt it. She has eaten a little and drinking a lot and hasn't thrown up since this morning so I think we are good to go.
So back to celebrating last night. We decided to go to Chuck E. Cheese....yeah not a fun place! The last time the girls and I went was so terrible that I complained and we got a free pizza, four drinks and 30 tokens! Those of you that have never had the adventure of going into a CEC, well let me just give you the low down. Here in California...they are ghetto!! The games don't work and the ones that do work don't give tickets. We probably lost 10 tokens in machines that didn't start once we put our money in. There are kids running around EVERYWHERE with no parental supervision and the pizza is horrible!! The girls love going so it was worth putting up with the craziness! Rick totally hates going! lol
We then came home and opened presents and had cake and ice cream. Earlier in the week, Addison picked out Little Mermaid for decorations at first. We then went to order the cake and they didn't have a Little Mermaid cake so she picked out a Tinkerbell back to the party store we went to get Tink decorations.
The cake turned out really good! She LOVED the pink and purple decorations on it and the Tinkerbell thing in the middle. She also loved all her presents from Mom and Doug and Ashleigh. Ashleigh took extra care in selecting something Addison would like.
It's hard having a birthday that is after Christmas. She had a hard time understanding that all the presents were for her and she didn't have to let Ashleigh open them. Ashleigh understands but was so excited for her to open them.
I have to thank my Mom and Doug...or the Booms as we call them. They really did a lot for Addison and I appreciate it! So I know you are reading thanks for all that you do for the girls and making Addison's day special!!
So back to today.....Rick's mom called as well as Heather. I was in the shower when his mom called and didn't hear the phone when Heather called. I told Addison that they called for her and that we would call them back and talk to them...and she says, in her sweetest voice, "No Thanks!" Then my mom called and I asked Addison if she wanted to talk and she again said "No Thanks!" I finally got her to talk to my brother...and that was it!! lol Three year olds!! lol
So I hope everyone enjoys the pictures...I gotta run and finish getting the zoo ready for the game! Until tomorrow.....
I love Ashleigh's hair cut. That is so cute!!!
The Birthday looked very cute too
Happy Birthday Addison :)
Thanks Tifanni! That was the first picture where Ashleigh's hair was actually done! lol Heather cut it when she came. It is so thin that it looks better and fuller shorter!
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