Monday, December 22, 2008

Things Are Back To Normal.....

or are they ever normal?!? lol

It was very nice having company for the last week or so. We are so used to being just the 4 of us that it was good to have our family come and visit and be able to show them things and share a bit of our crazy lifestyle with them. I think everyone that visits us is amazed at how much Rick is at work and that he really isn't home!!

Rick's mom and dad made it home late last night. A much better drive in the day over the snowy pass then at night when they came here. I think they got ahead of the storm that brought rain our way and for sure snow the colder and higher up you went.

Speaking of has been flippin COLD COLD COLD here! It rains all the time and the sun barely comes out! It snowed at 1000 feet last week. That's insane!! I know that my mom and family in Montana have been getting tons and tons of snow and below zero temps all the I can't complain a lot...but MAN it is soooo cold here!! lol

The girls are getting ready for Santa and Christmas. Everyday we move the counter down a day. They can't wait!! Me...I have oh so much to wrap! I'm going to be wrapping for days!!! I got a lot wrapped yesterday when Rick took the girls to the rink with him. I need another day like that! lol

All of our holiday parties are finished. We enjoy the so much. It is very nice for people to open up their homes to everyone that comes. I am totally exhausted and just want to chill and have a PJ day and watch TV! lol That's not going to happen until after Christmas I think!

Today we are making cookies. I love to bake and I haven't done a lot of it with our company so we are getting our bake on today!!

I'll post pictures later when I have a few minutes....I wanted to update everyone and felt I neglected my poor blog! lol Oh and our photographer that took our Christmas picture, put Addison's picture on his website.

Okay I gotta run....cookies are calling my name!! Until next time........

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