Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A Big Day In The Bronwell Household!!

So yesterday was a big day for us here in our house! Gus went to the vet to get neutered!!! Let me tell you...trying to explain what neutered means to a four and two year old was fun! lol

Rick left yesterday for a Canada road trip and will be back late late on Saturday night after the game in Vancouver. I decided what better time to get Gusto taken care of then right now. We are going to Disneyland in a few weeks and I wanted him to be neutered before we kenneled him. He doesn't hump a lot and I didn't want him to get used to doing it so that he would do it when he was neutered. We don't have anything going on until Thursday when skating starts again and we can stay home for a few days to keep an eye on him.

The girls and I drop him off in the morning yesterday and then were told to pick him up between 4 and 6 that night. The girls were so curious as to what the word neuter meant. I tried to tell them that it just is something you do to your animals so they can't have babies and that all animals have to have this done because we don't want a million dogs and cats running around. In the car on the way to the vet, Addison asked if, since Daddy was a boy, if he had to be neutered too so he wouldn't have any more babies! lol I kinda ignored her because I didn't know what to say. So she then proceeds to ask me the same thing in the vet!! I had to tell her, first to use her inside voice, and second that no Daddy doesn't have to be neutered that it is just something that we do to the animals. All the cats have been either neutered or spayed. I'm now thinking to myself...Heather why did you say the word spay! lol Because of course, that brought on the questions of what spaying was!!! So again I tell them it's neutering but only for girls cats and dogs. You can imagine what is coming next!! And I tell them no, Mommy doesn't have to be spayed and they don't either just because they are girls! Only animals have to have it done! I'm glad we are done with that conversation! It was just so funny as to how curious they were!

We picked Gus up at 4 and he is doing well. There isn't any stitches so he doesn't have to go back. He is trying to lick a little but really not too bad. I'm just glad it's over with and we don't have to worry about doing it.

Other than that, it's been pretty boring here. We are just relaxing today and then cleaning house tomorrow and just kinda chilling at home. It's been rainy and cold so I don't mind not going anywhere.

Hopefully I can find the time to post more pics!

1 comment:

Tifanni said...

The neuter conversation is fricken hilarious. The vet must have had a great laugh :)