Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Ashleigh Singing And Addison Being Addison

So three out of four days for me updating is pretty good! I'm shooting for everyday again!! Yeah for all my 5 readers!! lol

We haven't been up to much. I planned Gus' neutering when I did so we could stay home with him for at least a few days and monitor his...well progress! Let's just say it's been interesting!!

I got one of those E collar things from the vet. They didn't want to give me one because he wasn't licking in his two hours of recovery time there. Now we all know that is an adequate amount of time to see what a dog is going to do DAYS from then!! They finally gave me one after I had to argue about the price that I was quoted.

I decided to try a paper plate first thinking that since I have a little dog it would work better than the cone thing. I ended up taping about 6 paper plates together to make what looked like an upside down Mickey Mouse!! They were the strong paper plates. So I'm thinking we're golden and will be able to take the E Collar back to the vet.....haha wishful thinking!!

So this afternoon I let Gus outside to "get busy" and when he came plates around his neck!! I'm so pumped to have to try to get his crazy self in a cone!!! So I go to the car and get the cone and manage to shove his head in it and tie it tight before he runs away. Well it took him all of 5 minutes to rip it off and proceed to chew it!! Good times!!

Now I have to wonderful task of catching him, with him knowing that he is getting this big cone in my hand around his neck! I finally tackled him and got it on his neck. Now when he walks after me, he follows so close that his cone hits my leg! Not to mention when I open the sliding glass door to let him out, he manages, everytime, to get his cone caught on the edge of the door! lol

On to other exciting mother in law got a call from the Ellen show today!! She won day 7 of the 13 days of Christmas giveaways! I'm pretty pumped that someone I actually know won! She won a Bulova watch and LL Cool J clothing...which is so funny because she keeps calling it LL J Cool clothing!!! hehe I got a kick out of her telling me she kept telling the Ellen show lady to tell Ellen that she loves her! lol I know she is one of my 5 readers so thanks for sharing your awesome news and providing laughs with the LL J Cool clothing!!

And I have to post a video of Ashleigh singing in her head. She told me she wanted to make a video for Daddy this last road trip and this is what she wanted to tell him. And of course I couldn't just post a video of Ashleigh. Addison had to make a video for Daddy too. They are something else!!

I hope everyone enjoys the videos....until tomorrow!