I wanted to break the days up so I wouldn't have to post 50 pictures in one post!! This is day 1 continued. After hitting the tea cups and Dumbo, the girls wanted to ride on Storybook Land. This is a very cool ride because you ride on a boat that is named after a princess. Everything you see is miniature. As we were waiting in the short line, Addison was certain she was going to climb the railing.....

And she made it! lol The girls we so excited!
You start out the ride going into the mouth of the whale from Pinocchio.

The girls loved the name of our boat.....

Whenever I see Pansies, I always think of my Grandparents. There were so many here and they were so beautiful.

Cinderella's castle

Daddy and Ashleigh looking at the city of Agraba

After finishing all of the rides in Fantasy Land, we hit Toontown.
The Roger Rabbit ride was a blast!!

Toontown is really cool because they have all kinds of things for the kids to play with. The girls liked pretending they spread these bars!

This is one of my favorite pictures!! We just got the mouse ears and they had to pose with them. I was surprised that they each picked out the same ones.

Again, more fun stuff to play in.

This was a wishing well outside Minnie's house. We didn't go through her house because there was a little bit of a line so we decided to see the wishing well that talked to you when you threw something in it and head for Mickey's house.

Mickey's house is really neat too! There is all kinds of things for the kids to try out and explore. This chair was in front of an old TV that was playing black and white classic Mickey cartoons.

Last year when it came time to see Mickey, Ashleigh gave him a high five and Addison wanted nothing to do with him. It is amazing what a year does! They both were happy to see him!

There is a large play area in the shape of a boat, complete with waterfalls and water surrounding it for the kids to play on. Of course we had to make a stop at it. Addison and I went to the bathroom while Daddy and Ashleigh had some fun playtime.

It wouldn't be a Bronwell outing without a cheesy picture of the girls together!

I LOVE this look!

This is Cinderella's castle at night. I don't think I will ever get tired of taking pictures of it. It is absolutely gorgeous!

Addison in Dumbo, AGAIN, with her magic feather.

After Dumbo, we went over to Casey Jr. the train ride. Side note, I had no idea it was actually in the movie Dumbo! The girls were watching it on the ride home and we heard the little song playing! Anyway Ashleigh is pouting because she wanted to ride in one of the cages! This was our last ride of the night and we told her we would ride it again another day and she hopefully could get a cage. She still wasn't happy! lol

More self taken picture time!

Finally getting a little happy!

After telling the girls that the train was our last ride...we had to jump on the tea cups one last time.....

And of course Dumbo! Ashleigh rode with me this time. She is a kick! On Dumbo, there is a little control that takes your Dumbo up and down. You can see the whole Fantasy Land area from the top and then when you go down to the bottom, there is water. Ashleigh kept saying, "Are we going to crash into the water? I don't think so!" and would raise the Dumbo up again. They both really love this ride and would have been happy riding it over and over and over again!

Day one was a good day. Ashleigh rode Splash Mountain with Rick. That was a big step for her. I really hoped she liked it so much she would go with me. When they got off the ride, I asked her how she liked it and she says, "I didn't like it AT ALL!" So much for her riding with me! Rick bought the picture of them going down the big drop and a little snow globe for her to remember her first time. I'll have to scan the picture soon.
We pretty much rode everything in the park. They really didn't like Pirates Of The Caribbean, but since it is Rick's favorite ride, we rode it a few times and by the end of the vacation, they actually kinda liked it.
That's enough for now.....until tomorrow!