Woohoo!!! A new blog from me that wasn't posted a year from the last one!!! Lol I crack myself up!
So I'm thinking about making some major life changes in my life. Nothing bad....but all good and it's really got me to thinking a lot lately....I know scary thought!!!
I wonder if I'm ready for something like this...can I really juggle something else on my plate....is the REALLY what I want to do??? I guess if I don't at least try then I'll never know!
I have a very supportive husband who is encouraging me to try new things as well as an amazing Mom who also supports me. I've got the support system....now I just need me to actually DO it!!!
What scares me is change. I don't like change and this will be a major change. You'd think in the life I lead, change would be welcome and easy for me....we've moved 11 times in our 11 years of marriage and 3 times were across country....but it's not. It always takes me awhile before I'm comfortable in a new place and with new things. It's also the unknown at worries me. I know I can't sit and worry about things I can't control....but I do! Its just me! :)
Anyway I'm kind of excited about what the future may bring and am trying to convince myself that I'm ready for this new chapter in my life!
Until next time!! Maybe I'll actually post a few new pics one of these days!
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Monday, July 9, 2012
Back On The Blog Band Wagon!!!
I'm sure no one read this...but....I've been reading a lot of blogs lately and realized just how much I missed blogging for my own sanity!!
I'm kinda tired of Facebook and still learning twitter after a year or more trying to learn...not sure I'll ever get the hang of it!!!! I love Pinterest but I need my own words to express how I feel.
Everytime I think about my blog, I log on and see its been a year + since I've last blogged! I love sharing my stories...even if it is just me that gets a chuckle out of them! So all my faithful readers...hahahaha...I'm back and ready to share more Bronwell craziness!!!
What's in the agenda for today you ask???? Thank God it's not as hot as it has been....so we'll probably head outside and I've been promising my kids to sign up for summer reading since school got out...which was June 8th! In my defense we were on vacation until June 19th so it's only been a few weeks vs closer to a month! Total Mom Of The Year Award coming my way!!!
I'm kinda tired of Facebook and still learning twitter after a year or more trying to learn...not sure I'll ever get the hang of it!!!! I love Pinterest but I need my own words to express how I feel.
Everytime I think about my blog, I log on and see its been a year + since I've last blogged! I love sharing my stories...even if it is just me that gets a chuckle out of them! So all my faithful readers...hahahaha...I'm back and ready to share more Bronwell craziness!!!
What's in the agenda for today you ask???? Thank God it's not as hot as it has been....so we'll probably head outside and I've been promising my kids to sign up for summer reading since school got out...which was June 8th! In my defense we were on vacation until June 19th so it's only been a few weeks vs closer to a month! Total Mom Of The Year Award coming my way!!!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Saturday, January 16, 2010
At A Loss For Words....
I've really been thinking a lot about the earthquake in Haiti.
Those of you that don't know. my cousin and her husband recently adopted 2 boys from there. I love those little boys! I'm so saddened by the entire situation. I can't even begin to imagine what families that are adopting have gone through. As if the adoption process isn't stressful enough, now with the natural disaster and not knowing....well I just can't imagine.
I am so thankful for my family and my daughters. I just keep thinking about what if we were adopting and what if we had to deal with this. I see the pictures on the front page of the paper with all the bodies laying around everywhere. I see kids Ashleigh and Addison's age. I see grandmothers, mothers, fathers...you name it. I just think what it would be like to have to walk around these bodies looking for loved ones. A very close friend of ours is in the Army and he has been deployed to Haiti to help with the relief efforts. They don't know what they will be doing or how long they will be there or what they will be faced with.
Living in California, well any where for that matter, makes the reality of an earthquake and the devastation that it can causes more real. We've had several smaller one, 3.7 and 4.1 this last week. This whole thing has really hit home for me. It really makes you realize just how short life is and you should cherish each and every day with your loved ones and friends.
If you would like to help the Creche, where my cousins' sons lived until they were adopted, please visit these websites.
Apparently the food container that was held up in customs has most likely been looted and they are down to a weeks worth for food.
How would it feel if your child was one of those children in the orphanage that only had food for a week?
Please help if you can and are moved to.
Those of you that don't know. my cousin and her husband recently adopted 2 boys from there. I love those little boys! I'm so saddened by the entire situation. I can't even begin to imagine what families that are adopting have gone through. As if the adoption process isn't stressful enough, now with the natural disaster and not knowing....well I just can't imagine.
I am so thankful for my family and my daughters. I just keep thinking about what if we were adopting and what if we had to deal with this. I see the pictures on the front page of the paper with all the bodies laying around everywhere. I see kids Ashleigh and Addison's age. I see grandmothers, mothers, fathers...you name it. I just think what it would be like to have to walk around these bodies looking for loved ones. A very close friend of ours is in the Army and he has been deployed to Haiti to help with the relief efforts. They don't know what they will be doing or how long they will be there or what they will be faced with.
Living in California, well any where for that matter, makes the reality of an earthquake and the devastation that it can causes more real. We've had several smaller one, 3.7 and 4.1 this last week. This whole thing has really hit home for me. It really makes you realize just how short life is and you should cherish each and every day with your loved ones and friends.
If you would like to help the Creche, where my cousins' sons lived until they were adopted, please visit these websites.
Apparently the food container that was held up in customs has most likely been looted and they are down to a weeks worth for food.
How would it feel if your child was one of those children in the orphanage that only had food for a week?
Please help if you can and are moved to.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
So I totally have WAY fallen off the blog bandwagon and not sure if I will EVER get back on! Oh MY! I was looking at my blog and realized how uncurrent it is! The picture on the front was from last summer.....dang! The girls look soo little!!
I'm thinking I better get off my booty and update this every few months or my faithful readers will get rid of me!!! Ok...so what have we been doing since my last blog of OCTOBER 21st??? A whole lot! lol
I'll skip all the boring details....we went to the Tournament of Roses parade on New Years. Rick's parents live in Pasadena and his dad got us tickets to sit in a balcony to watch the parade. His mom and sister went with us. It was absolutely amazing! What an experience!!

All bundled up and a little sleepy! lol

Is the parade starting?!?!?! We are sooooooo excited!!!!!!!

Heather and mom

Heather and I.....it was cold in the morning! Then it got up to around 70 I think. We had to be in our seats by 7:00am. I think we made it there around 6:40am!!

The massive amounts of people that lined the streets! They had tents, air mattress', bbq's, radios, food....everything to get a good spot and camp out with! The seats we had were on a balcony in front of a restaurant.

Here comes the parade!! The 2010 was made out of red roses. I don't know what other flowers were used. It was so awesome!!

Grand Marshall Sully and his wife.

Jack Hannah!! We had no idea that is who this was when he came by us!! I was talking to Rick on the phone about what he saw on TV and he asked if we saw Jungle Jack....and I asked Rick's Mom and Heather and we all said no. Well low and behold we did!!! This was one of my favorite floats with all the animals.

This gorilla is made of of this special grass that is only grown by one farm.

I think this was the one the girls still talk about! Seeing Ronald McDonald!!

Look!!! Jared on the Subway float!

This looks EXACTLY like the front of the actual Rose Bowl. The things they do with the flowers is amazing! You don't appreciate the time and skill when watching it on TV.

We liked this one too! All the animal ones the girls just loved!

The girls and I had a blast at the parade!! What a great memory!!! Thanks again Dad for the tickets!!! There was no way we would have made it camping out on the streets!!!!

This was one of our favorites. The dolphin is just so cute! lol

The girls loved this float! It went by us WAY to quick! The bulldogs snowboarding were so stinking cute!!!
Look!!! It's Jackie Chan and we actually knew it was him when he passed us!!!
These are just a very few pictures I took. I think I took over 700!! You know me and pictures!!! It was an absolutely amazing time and I am so thankful for the opportunity to have experienced it!
I'm thinking I better get off my booty and update this every few months or my faithful readers will get rid of me!!! Ok...so what have we been doing since my last blog of OCTOBER 21st??? A whole lot! lol
I'll skip all the boring details....we went to the Tournament of Roses parade on New Years. Rick's parents live in Pasadena and his dad got us tickets to sit in a balcony to watch the parade. His mom and sister went with us. It was absolutely amazing! What an experience!!

Is the parade starting?!?!?! We are sooooooo excited!!!!!!!

Heather and mom

Heather and I.....it was cold in the morning! Then it got up to around 70 I think. We had to be in our seats by 7:00am. I think we made it there around 6:40am!!

The massive amounts of people that lined the streets! They had tents, air mattress', bbq's, radios, food....everything to get a good spot and camp out with! The seats we had were on a balcony in front of a restaurant.

Here comes the parade!! The 2010 was made out of red roses. I don't know what other flowers were used. It was so awesome!!

Grand Marshall Sully and his wife.

Jack Hannah!! We had no idea that is who this was when he came by us!! I was talking to Rick on the phone about what he saw on TV and he asked if we saw Jungle Jack....and I asked Rick's Mom and Heather and we all said no. Well low and behold we did!!! This was one of my favorite floats with all the animals.

This gorilla is made of of this special grass that is only grown by one farm.

I think this was the one the girls still talk about! Seeing Ronald McDonald!!

Look!!! Jared on the Subway float!

This looks EXACTLY like the front of the actual Rose Bowl. The things they do with the flowers is amazing! You don't appreciate the time and skill when watching it on TV.

We liked this one too! All the animal ones the girls just loved!

The girls and I had a blast at the parade!! What a great memory!!! Thanks again Dad for the tickets!!! There was no way we would have made it camping out on the streets!!!!

This was one of our favorites. The dolphin is just so cute! lol

The girls loved this float! It went by us WAY to quick! The bulldogs snowboarding were so stinking cute!!!

These are just a very few pictures I took. I think I took over 700!! You know me and pictures!!! It was an absolutely amazing time and I am so thankful for the opportunity to have experienced it!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
An Update.....
Again I have neglected my faithful blog readers!!! BOO!!
I have to start posting pictures of our life because now that Big Daddy is traveling all the time...this is how he sees the girls and finds out what's been going on in our lives!
So an update on Dong Hung or whatever his name is! I've heard NOTHING!! I went and had my car looked at the Monday after it happened and haven't heard anything. No news is good news right?
Ashleigh is still loving school. I help out every Tuesday. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! I can't talk enough about how wonderful her teacher is. It's the highlight of my week, by far, when I am helping. Now there are some whiny kids and I have no idea how the teacher puts up with all 20 of them at once!!! Yesterday i helped with an art project where the kids glued and colored with markers. Ashleigh had orange marker all over her hands. When I helped her washed them she "thought" a marker had exploded. When I questioned her at home last night, she said she "wanted to feel the tip of the marker and got carried away!" Only my child!!
Addison loves having "mommy" time just to herself. We go shopping and run errands. All kinds of fun stuff that kids love! lol She wants to do Ballet. I'm trying to convince her to do skating...again!! It's free!!! She tells me every day that she wishes she was in school. I think I might be ready for her to go to preschool...we'll see!
Big Daddy is gone on a monster road trip out east. He's been gone since the 13th and will get home the 26th....13 days!! We are doing okay but these long trips suck ass! A week is enough for me. The girls really miss him...and I do too! =(
We have started dog training with Gus!! Let me just say he now is a behaved..well more behaved than before and his trainer is amazing!! I can now take him for a walk and he'll walk beside me. He sits and stays. Comes when called. Doesn't bark or chase the cats at much. It's wonderful!! I actually like having a dog!! lol
As for me....I've been crazy crazy busy!! Between dog training, running errands and now helping lead Ashleigh's Girl Scout troop...I barely have time to watch tv!! We have our first Daisy meeting (little Girl Scouts) in a week. I'm super excited to be doing this with Ashleigh. Watch out....we are selling cookies!!!
And one more quick thing before I have to run....Ashleigh won the grand prize at school for their walk-a-thon for the most money collected overall!! She won 4 season passes to the water park here! We haven't been because a one day pass is around $25 so that makes it $100 just for one day. She is excited and we couldn't be more proud of her!! She did an amazing job walking...36 laps!! Big Daddy did all the pledge money collecting so I am proud of him as well!!
Ok gotta run....until next time......
I have to start posting pictures of our life because now that Big Daddy is traveling all the time...this is how he sees the girls and finds out what's been going on in our lives!
So an update on Dong Hung or whatever his name is! I've heard NOTHING!! I went and had my car looked at the Monday after it happened and haven't heard anything. No news is good news right?
Ashleigh is still loving school. I help out every Tuesday. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! I can't talk enough about how wonderful her teacher is. It's the highlight of my week, by far, when I am helping. Now there are some whiny kids and I have no idea how the teacher puts up with all 20 of them at once!!! Yesterday i helped with an art project where the kids glued and colored with markers. Ashleigh had orange marker all over her hands. When I helped her washed them she "thought" a marker had exploded. When I questioned her at home last night, she said she "wanted to feel the tip of the marker and got carried away!" Only my child!!
Addison loves having "mommy" time just to herself. We go shopping and run errands. All kinds of fun stuff that kids love! lol She wants to do Ballet. I'm trying to convince her to do skating...again!! It's free!!! She tells me every day that she wishes she was in school. I think I might be ready for her to go to preschool...we'll see!
Big Daddy is gone on a monster road trip out east. He's been gone since the 13th and will get home the 26th....13 days!! We are doing okay but these long trips suck ass! A week is enough for me. The girls really miss him...and I do too! =(
We have started dog training with Gus!! Let me just say he now is a behaved..well more behaved than before and his trainer is amazing!! I can now take him for a walk and he'll walk beside me. He sits and stays. Comes when called. Doesn't bark or chase the cats at much. It's wonderful!! I actually like having a dog!! lol
As for me....I've been crazy crazy busy!! Between dog training, running errands and now helping lead Ashleigh's Girl Scout troop...I barely have time to watch tv!! We have our first Daisy meeting (little Girl Scouts) in a week. I'm super excited to be doing this with Ashleigh. Watch out....we are selling cookies!!!
And one more quick thing before I have to run....Ashleigh won the grand prize at school for their walk-a-thon for the most money collected overall!! She won 4 season passes to the water park here! We haven't been because a one day pass is around $25 so that makes it $100 just for one day. She is excited and we couldn't be more proud of her!! She did an amazing job walking...36 laps!! Big Daddy did all the pledge money collecting so I am proud of him as well!!
Ok gotta run....until next time......
Friday, September 11, 2009
Look....I Blogged Again!!!
I'm so pumped for myself!! I am blogging and it hasn't been a month since my last one!!! YAY ME!!!
So let's just say it has been an eventful few days! Yesterday was a total day from HELL!! Let me tell you a bit about it...since I know you are just dieing to hear about it!! haha
Ashleigh went to school just fine and then Addison and I began our daily errands. It is sooo much easier to only take one child on errands! lol Poor Ashleigh never goes anywhere anymore! So anyway we are still taking care of our old house for our landlord. He is in China because his father in law is sick. I went over to water and check on things. Then I had to go pick up Rick's dry cleaning. I dropped it off at 9:38 on Tuesday morning. They have a sign out front that says drop off by 11 next day service. So I'm thinking today is Thursday I should be good. HAHAHA That was the beginning of my crazy day dealing with Asian people that don't speak english!!! The girl at the front, Annie (how Asian sounding is that?!?!) anyway Annie came to help me and I could barely understand her when she said it would be ready after 5pm. I think, WTF! I dropped this over 2 days ago. I start to argue with her a bit and she goes...ok 3pm. I was so disgusted I walked out praying that they wouldn't lose Rick's clothes!!
After that wonderful experience, we headed to the library for story time. The girls and I used to go quite often. We hadn't been in awhile...since the booger got flicked on me! We sit down and the very nice and patient woman started to try to read. The kids were so out of control and the parents weren't doing a damn thing that she had to stop and didn't even read one story. Addison just sat, quietly and patiently waiting for the story. It was horrible and I felt so bad for the lady. Then we go to check out books and the computer is down!! Addison has picked out a few books and we have to put them back because they couldn't check them out. Imagine what kind of mood Addison is in now!!!
Our final stop is to Petsmart for cat food. I decide to stop at Target to get a brownie mix. Addison has been asking me to make brownies for days and I didn't feel like making them from scratch. I get my big spending amount of $3.99, I got yogurt for the girls as well, and go to get in the car. This is where the story gets good! We get in so that we can run around the corner to Petsmart. I back out of the parking space to be hit! This Asian guy backed out when I was backing out and we crashed. Since my day has been filled with english speaking people...I wasn't surprised when Hung Dung or Dung Hung didn't speak english!! Can you sense my sarcasm?!?!? His first words are shit and fix this. We exchange insurance info and because of my little car wash incident know that the police won't come because it is on private property. He wants my phone number and drivers license. I didn't give my digits out because I didn't want him calling me! My friend got in an "accident" and someone gave her number out and the jerk guy started harassing her and then calling her husband at work...so there was no way I wanted any part of that! This Dung or as I like to call him now, Hung Dong, lives in the hood...and I mean WAY WAY WWAAAAYYYY hood! I think he saw me back out...HELLO I drive a purple minivan!! It's not like you can't see me!! Anyway he saw me and decided to back out and hit and then blame it on me!
I get home and of course, you all know I was freaking out worrying if Rick is going to kill me or what! Rick isn't mad. We aren't even going to fix my damage. It's not that noticeable. I get Ashleigh from school and we are doing homework when the adjuster calls to talk about it. Mr. Hung Dong is saying that he wasn't moving and that it was 100% my fault. The adjuster asked me many detailed questions and I told him what I thought happened. I guess Dong Duck Do told him he wasn't sure if he was moving or not! Seriously how can you not know if you were moving or not?!?!?!?!!! Now I have to take the car a body shop, have my dent measured and documented and wait to hear what happens. Why does this crap happen to me!!?? lol I can look back now and laugh but seriously you didn't see a purple big ass barney minivan backing out and then you don't know if you were moving or not?? Dude I saw his rear backup lights in my mirror!! It should be interesting to say the least!!
Oh and one last thing....I'm now known as the loud Kinder mom!! Yes folks...I am loud and proud!
So let's just say it has been an eventful few days! Yesterday was a total day from HELL!! Let me tell you a bit about it...since I know you are just dieing to hear about it!! haha
Ashleigh went to school just fine and then Addison and I began our daily errands. It is sooo much easier to only take one child on errands! lol Poor Ashleigh never goes anywhere anymore! So anyway we are still taking care of our old house for our landlord. He is in China because his father in law is sick. I went over to water and check on things. Then I had to go pick up Rick's dry cleaning. I dropped it off at 9:38 on Tuesday morning. They have a sign out front that says drop off by 11 next day service. So I'm thinking today is Thursday I should be good. HAHAHA That was the beginning of my crazy day dealing with Asian people that don't speak english!!! The girl at the front, Annie (how Asian sounding is that?!?!) anyway Annie came to help me and I could barely understand her when she said it would be ready after 5pm. I think, WTF! I dropped this over 2 days ago. I start to argue with her a bit and she goes...ok 3pm. I was so disgusted I walked out praying that they wouldn't lose Rick's clothes!!
After that wonderful experience, we headed to the library for story time. The girls and I used to go quite often. We hadn't been in awhile...since the booger got flicked on me! We sit down and the very nice and patient woman started to try to read. The kids were so out of control and the parents weren't doing a damn thing that she had to stop and didn't even read one story. Addison just sat, quietly and patiently waiting for the story. It was horrible and I felt so bad for the lady. Then we go to check out books and the computer is down!! Addison has picked out a few books and we have to put them back because they couldn't check them out. Imagine what kind of mood Addison is in now!!!
Our final stop is to Petsmart for cat food. I decide to stop at Target to get a brownie mix. Addison has been asking me to make brownies for days and I didn't feel like making them from scratch. I get my big spending amount of $3.99, I got yogurt for the girls as well, and go to get in the car. This is where the story gets good! We get in so that we can run around the corner to Petsmart. I back out of the parking space to be hit! This Asian guy backed out when I was backing out and we crashed. Since my day has been filled with english speaking people...I wasn't surprised when Hung Dung or Dung Hung didn't speak english!! Can you sense my sarcasm?!?!? His first words are shit and fix this. We exchange insurance info and because of my little car wash incident know that the police won't come because it is on private property. He wants my phone number and drivers license. I didn't give my digits out because I didn't want him calling me! My friend got in an "accident" and someone gave her number out and the jerk guy started harassing her and then calling her husband at work...so there was no way I wanted any part of that! This Dung or as I like to call him now, Hung Dong, lives in the hood...and I mean WAY WAY WWAAAAYYYY hood! I think he saw me back out...HELLO I drive a purple minivan!! It's not like you can't see me!! Anyway he saw me and decided to back out and hit and then blame it on me!
I get home and of course, you all know I was freaking out worrying if Rick is going to kill me or what! Rick isn't mad. We aren't even going to fix my damage. It's not that noticeable. I get Ashleigh from school and we are doing homework when the adjuster calls to talk about it. Mr. Hung Dong is saying that he wasn't moving and that it was 100% my fault. The adjuster asked me many detailed questions and I told him what I thought happened. I guess Dong Duck Do told him he wasn't sure if he was moving or not! Seriously how can you not know if you were moving or not?!?!?!?!!! Now I have to take the car a body shop, have my dent measured and documented and wait to hear what happens. Why does this crap happen to me!!?? lol I can look back now and laugh but seriously you didn't see a purple big ass barney minivan backing out and then you don't know if you were moving or not?? Dude I saw his rear backup lights in my mirror!! It should be interesting to say the least!!
Oh and one last thing....I'm now known as the loud Kinder mom!! Yes folks...I am loud and proud!
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