Again I have neglected my faithful blog readers!!! BOO!!
I have to start posting pictures of our life because now that Big Daddy is traveling all the time...this is how he sees the girls and finds out what's been going on in our lives!
So an update on Dong Hung or whatever his name is! I've heard NOTHING!! I went and had my car looked at the Monday after it happened and haven't heard anything. No news is good news right?
Ashleigh is still loving school. I help out every Tuesday. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! I can't talk enough about how wonderful her teacher is. It's the highlight of my week, by far, when I am helping. Now there are some whiny kids and I have no idea how the teacher puts up with all 20 of them at once!!! Yesterday i helped with an art project where the kids glued and colored with markers. Ashleigh had orange marker all over her hands. When I helped her washed them she "thought" a marker had exploded. When I questioned her at home last night, she said she "wanted to feel the tip of the marker and got carried away!" Only my child!!
Addison loves having "mommy" time just to herself. We go shopping and run errands. All kinds of fun stuff that kids love! lol She wants to do Ballet. I'm trying to convince her to do skating...again!! It's free!!! She tells me every day that she wishes she was in school. I think I might be ready for her to go to preschool...we'll see!
Big Daddy is gone on a monster road trip out east. He's been gone since the 13th and will get home the 26th....13 days!! We are doing okay but these long trips suck ass! A week is enough for me. The girls really miss him...and I do too! =(
We have started dog training with Gus!! Let me just say he now is a behaved..well more behaved than before and his trainer is amazing!! I can now take him for a walk and he'll walk beside me. He sits and stays. Comes when called. Doesn't bark or chase the cats at much. It's wonderful!! I actually like having a dog!! lol
As for me....I've been crazy crazy busy!! Between dog training, running errands and now helping lead Ashleigh's Girl Scout troop...I barely have time to watch tv!! We have our first Daisy meeting (little Girl Scouts) in a week. I'm super excited to be doing this with Ashleigh. Watch out....we are selling cookies!!!
And one more quick thing before I have to run....Ashleigh won the grand prize at school for their walk-a-thon for the most money collected overall!! She won 4 season passes to the water park here! We haven't been because a one day pass is around $25 so that makes it $100 just for one day. She is excited and we couldn't be more proud of her!! She did an amazing job walking...36 laps!! Big Daddy did all the pledge money collecting so I am proud of him as well!!
Ok gotta run....until next time......
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
Look....I Blogged Again!!!
I'm so pumped for myself!! I am blogging and it hasn't been a month since my last one!!! YAY ME!!!
So let's just say it has been an eventful few days! Yesterday was a total day from HELL!! Let me tell you a bit about it...since I know you are just dieing to hear about it!! haha
Ashleigh went to school just fine and then Addison and I began our daily errands. It is sooo much easier to only take one child on errands! lol Poor Ashleigh never goes anywhere anymore! So anyway we are still taking care of our old house for our landlord. He is in China because his father in law is sick. I went over to water and check on things. Then I had to go pick up Rick's dry cleaning. I dropped it off at 9:38 on Tuesday morning. They have a sign out front that says drop off by 11 next day service. So I'm thinking today is Thursday I should be good. HAHAHA That was the beginning of my crazy day dealing with Asian people that don't speak english!!! The girl at the front, Annie (how Asian sounding is that?!?!) anyway Annie came to help me and I could barely understand her when she said it would be ready after 5pm. I think, WTF! I dropped this over 2 days ago. I start to argue with her a bit and she goes...ok 3pm. I was so disgusted I walked out praying that they wouldn't lose Rick's clothes!!
After that wonderful experience, we headed to the library for story time. The girls and I used to go quite often. We hadn't been in awhile...since the booger got flicked on me! We sit down and the very nice and patient woman started to try to read. The kids were so out of control and the parents weren't doing a damn thing that she had to stop and didn't even read one story. Addison just sat, quietly and patiently waiting for the story. It was horrible and I felt so bad for the lady. Then we go to check out books and the computer is down!! Addison has picked out a few books and we have to put them back because they couldn't check them out. Imagine what kind of mood Addison is in now!!!
Our final stop is to Petsmart for cat food. I decide to stop at Target to get a brownie mix. Addison has been asking me to make brownies for days and I didn't feel like making them from scratch. I get my big spending amount of $3.99, I got yogurt for the girls as well, and go to get in the car. This is where the story gets good! We get in so that we can run around the corner to Petsmart. I back out of the parking space to be hit! This Asian guy backed out when I was backing out and we crashed. Since my day has been filled with english speaking people...I wasn't surprised when Hung Dung or Dung Hung didn't speak english!! Can you sense my sarcasm?!?!? His first words are shit and fix this. We exchange insurance info and because of my little car wash incident know that the police won't come because it is on private property. He wants my phone number and drivers license. I didn't give my digits out because I didn't want him calling me! My friend got in an "accident" and someone gave her number out and the jerk guy started harassing her and then calling her husband at there was no way I wanted any part of that! This Dung or as I like to call him now, Hung Dong, lives in the hood...and I mean WAY WAY WWAAAAYYYY hood! I think he saw me back out...HELLO I drive a purple minivan!! It's not like you can't see me!! Anyway he saw me and decided to back out and hit and then blame it on me!
I get home and of course, you all know I was freaking out worrying if Rick is going to kill me or what! Rick isn't mad. We aren't even going to fix my damage. It's not that noticeable. I get Ashleigh from school and we are doing homework when the adjuster calls to talk about it. Mr. Hung Dong is saying that he wasn't moving and that it was 100% my fault. The adjuster asked me many detailed questions and I told him what I thought happened. I guess Dong Duck Do told him he wasn't sure if he was moving or not! Seriously how can you not know if you were moving or not?!?!?!?!!! Now I have to take the car a body shop, have my dent measured and documented and wait to hear what happens. Why does this crap happen to me!!?? lol I can look back now and laugh but seriously you didn't see a purple big ass barney minivan backing out and then you don't know if you were moving or not?? Dude I saw his rear backup lights in my mirror!! It should be interesting to say the least!!
Oh and one last thing....I'm now known as the loud Kinder mom!! Yes folks...I am loud and proud!
So let's just say it has been an eventful few days! Yesterday was a total day from HELL!! Let me tell you a bit about it...since I know you are just dieing to hear about it!! haha
Ashleigh went to school just fine and then Addison and I began our daily errands. It is sooo much easier to only take one child on errands! lol Poor Ashleigh never goes anywhere anymore! So anyway we are still taking care of our old house for our landlord. He is in China because his father in law is sick. I went over to water and check on things. Then I had to go pick up Rick's dry cleaning. I dropped it off at 9:38 on Tuesday morning. They have a sign out front that says drop off by 11 next day service. So I'm thinking today is Thursday I should be good. HAHAHA That was the beginning of my crazy day dealing with Asian people that don't speak english!!! The girl at the front, Annie (how Asian sounding is that?!?!) anyway Annie came to help me and I could barely understand her when she said it would be ready after 5pm. I think, WTF! I dropped this over 2 days ago. I start to argue with her a bit and she goes...ok 3pm. I was so disgusted I walked out praying that they wouldn't lose Rick's clothes!!
After that wonderful experience, we headed to the library for story time. The girls and I used to go quite often. We hadn't been in awhile...since the booger got flicked on me! We sit down and the very nice and patient woman started to try to read. The kids were so out of control and the parents weren't doing a damn thing that she had to stop and didn't even read one story. Addison just sat, quietly and patiently waiting for the story. It was horrible and I felt so bad for the lady. Then we go to check out books and the computer is down!! Addison has picked out a few books and we have to put them back because they couldn't check them out. Imagine what kind of mood Addison is in now!!!
Our final stop is to Petsmart for cat food. I decide to stop at Target to get a brownie mix. Addison has been asking me to make brownies for days and I didn't feel like making them from scratch. I get my big spending amount of $3.99, I got yogurt for the girls as well, and go to get in the car. This is where the story gets good! We get in so that we can run around the corner to Petsmart. I back out of the parking space to be hit! This Asian guy backed out when I was backing out and we crashed. Since my day has been filled with english speaking people...I wasn't surprised when Hung Dung or Dung Hung didn't speak english!! Can you sense my sarcasm?!?!? His first words are shit and fix this. We exchange insurance info and because of my little car wash incident know that the police won't come because it is on private property. He wants my phone number and drivers license. I didn't give my digits out because I didn't want him calling me! My friend got in an "accident" and someone gave her number out and the jerk guy started harassing her and then calling her husband at there was no way I wanted any part of that! This Dung or as I like to call him now, Hung Dong, lives in the hood...and I mean WAY WAY WWAAAAYYYY hood! I think he saw me back out...HELLO I drive a purple minivan!! It's not like you can't see me!! Anyway he saw me and decided to back out and hit and then blame it on me!
I get home and of course, you all know I was freaking out worrying if Rick is going to kill me or what! Rick isn't mad. We aren't even going to fix my damage. It's not that noticeable. I get Ashleigh from school and we are doing homework when the adjuster calls to talk about it. Mr. Hung Dong is saying that he wasn't moving and that it was 100% my fault. The adjuster asked me many detailed questions and I told him what I thought happened. I guess Dong Duck Do told him he wasn't sure if he was moving or not! Seriously how can you not know if you were moving or not?!?!?!?!!! Now I have to take the car a body shop, have my dent measured and documented and wait to hear what happens. Why does this crap happen to me!!?? lol I can look back now and laugh but seriously you didn't see a purple big ass barney minivan backing out and then you don't know if you were moving or not?? Dude I saw his rear backup lights in my mirror!! It should be interesting to say the least!!
Oh and one last thing....I'm now known as the loud Kinder mom!! Yes folks...I am loud and proud!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
My Blog has suffered some severe neglect in the past...oh 9 months! I really have to start getting back on the wagon since the summer is officially over and Big Daddy reads this to figure out what we have been up to!! haha
So....let's see.....I need to totally do a quick recap of the summer so I can finish dinner. Yes, I know, I choose the most opportune times to blog!! haha Hence the neglect!!
We enjoyed a relaxing visit to Missoula. Too short as it always seems. We did many things we hadn't done before. I will post pics soon. Like I always say I will!! We just love going home. I really think Rick feels at home as well. We've been going there about every summer for the past 10 years so I guess it kinda wears on you! Of course we enjoyed our...well my favorite local cuisine. I wish I was able to get home more often. I just love it there and the girls have such a good time.
So after we got home it was a quick week or so and......SCHOOL STARTED for Ashleigh!!!! She LOVES LOVES L O V E S it!! I can't imagine not sending her to school! She already has a group of little girlfriends that she eats lunch with and everyday after school they ask me for a play date! Its been wonderful her going! She is learning so much its insane! Her teacher is the best on in the department. Everyone wants her. We were destined to have her because she spells her name, Shirlee, like my mom! lol Its been a really good transition for us. Its great with just Addison and I during the day. I get to spend time with her that I haven't been able to do before. I was going to send Addie to preschool, but decided that I wanted one more year with her and then next year school.
Okay so that's been our big stuff. I will get pics up and blog more...because I know you all are just dieing to know what's been going on in our crazy world!!
So....let's see.....I need to totally do a quick recap of the summer so I can finish dinner. Yes, I know, I choose the most opportune times to blog!! haha Hence the neglect!!
We enjoyed a relaxing visit to Missoula. Too short as it always seems. We did many things we hadn't done before. I will post pics soon. Like I always say I will!! We just love going home. I really think Rick feels at home as well. We've been going there about every summer for the past 10 years so I guess it kinda wears on you! Of course we enjoyed our...well my favorite local cuisine. I wish I was able to get home more often. I just love it there and the girls have such a good time.
So after we got home it was a quick week or so and......SCHOOL STARTED for Ashleigh!!!! She LOVES LOVES L O V E S it!! I can't imagine not sending her to school! She already has a group of little girlfriends that she eats lunch with and everyday after school they ask me for a play date! Its been wonderful her going! She is learning so much its insane! Her teacher is the best on in the department. Everyone wants her. We were destined to have her because she spells her name, Shirlee, like my mom! lol Its been a really good transition for us. Its great with just Addison and I during the day. I get to spend time with her that I haven't been able to do before. I was going to send Addie to preschool, but decided that I wanted one more year with her and then next year school.
Okay so that's been our big stuff. I will get pics up and blog more...because I know you all are just dieing to know what's been going on in our crazy world!!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
We've Been BUSSSY!!
Ok so it's been ages since I have last posted. We have been so busy that I feel like I barely have a minute to breathe!!!
First and most important...WE MOVED!!!! We are officially out of the ghetto!! YAY!!! Can you tell I'm pretty pumped?!?! lol We found a great house right across the street from a great school. I am so happy here it's crazy! i think if we would have found this 2 years ago...I might have liked CA a little more! Anyway the landlord is far anyway. We have met all of our neighbors and there are even some Sharks fans! Its just great to be in a nice house and a nice neighborhood.
I have so many things to update....that I don't even know where to start! The hamster is good...escapes about every other day but we always manage to catch her....unfortunately!! lol The zoo loves the house. Gus is good....went to the vet yesterday with a piece of foxtail embedded in his paw...good times!!
I hear my monkeys fighting...time to be the ref!
First and most important...WE MOVED!!!! We are officially out of the ghetto!! YAY!!! Can you tell I'm pretty pumped?!?! lol We found a great house right across the street from a great school. I am so happy here it's crazy! i think if we would have found this 2 years ago...I might have liked CA a little more! Anyway the landlord is far anyway. We have met all of our neighbors and there are even some Sharks fans! Its just great to be in a nice house and a nice neighborhood.
I have so many things to update....that I don't even know where to start! The hamster is good...escapes about every other day but we always manage to catch her....unfortunately!! lol The zoo loves the house. Gus is good....went to the vet yesterday with a piece of foxtail embedded in his paw...good times!!
I hear my monkeys fighting...time to be the ref!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
I finally decided to put up a few random pictures since I haven't posted any in a LONG time! Apparently I am still totally blog lazy! I'm working on being better...not doing so good...but I'm a work in progress! haha
So not much has been new. We are adjusting to life during the off season. Its weird to be a family again. We have been used to just being the girls and I, but love that Big Daddy gets to be here! He still is going into work but that will end soon.
We are still planning our summer. Not sure if we will be visiting anywhere this year or not. Its been difficult to coordinate with everyone's schedule and with having to move and pack...its going to be a busy summer without travel. Our summers aren't Bronwell summers without stress! haha
That's about it. The girls are going to Vacation Bible School next week and Ashleigh wants to go to a day camp the week after and then soccer camp...oh and we still have skating. I'm exhausted just thinking about everything going on!
Here are a few pictures from about....well the end of April! I haven't downloaded anymore on the computer yet. I've been soo slacking!!
Addison decided to put herself in timeout and I, of course, had to take a picture because she just looked too cute!!
The other ones are of Ashleigh at her birthday party with our friends. She was totally surprised and had NO CLUE what has going on!
And the last one is the stash on its last day before Big Daddy shaved it off! I can say I hope he NEVER grows it again and am so happy he has his chin hair back!!

So not much has been new. We are adjusting to life during the off season. Its weird to be a family again. We have been used to just being the girls and I, but love that Big Daddy gets to be here! He still is going into work but that will end soon.
We are still planning our summer. Not sure if we will be visiting anywhere this year or not. Its been difficult to coordinate with everyone's schedule and with having to move and pack...its going to be a busy summer without travel. Our summers aren't Bronwell summers without stress! haha
That's about it. The girls are going to Vacation Bible School next week and Ashleigh wants to go to a day camp the week after and then soccer camp...oh and we still have skating. I'm exhausted just thinking about everything going on!
Here are a few pictures from about....well the end of April! I haven't downloaded anymore on the computer yet. I've been soo slacking!!
Addison decided to put herself in timeout and I, of course, had to take a picture because she just looked too cute!!
The other ones are of Ashleigh at her birthday party with our friends. She was totally surprised and had NO CLUE what has going on!
And the last one is the stash on its last day before Big Daddy shaved it off! I can say I hope he NEVER grows it again and am so happy he has his chin hair back!!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
I Just Realized....
that I am a total slacker and haven't posted in FOREVER!!! I've seriously got to get off my booty and get back to the blog world!!
So let's do a quick recap and pray extra hard that I can actually get things caught up and back to the current state of our lives!
Ok...what's been going on the past month that my 5 readers would love to hear about.....
1. Just found out yesterday that a convicted rapist lives across the street in the townhouse complex! I'm pretty pissed about this! I have to find out how long he has been living there because by law our AWESOME asshole of a slumlord had to provide us with a website that has all the registered sex offenders listed.....and he didn't! If he has been there longer than we have lived here....then I'm going to figure out what to do next! Maybe we can get out of our lease early!!
2. We already have been planning on moving to get in a better school district....but with item #1....We for sure are moving!!! Living in the hood BLOWS! And it's not that bad of a hood! So now it and cleaning and throwing away and throwing MORE away and packing! Those of you that know me and my family...the pack rat gene runs in the family and I am no exception! Unfortunately for me, Big Daddy doesn't have this gene!! The hardest thing for me to do is throw something that is perfectly good away. Now I know donate donate donate....but this is why donation centers piss me off. I'm a fat I sent some clothes that I can't wear anymore with my mom to give to Goodwill in Missoula. I figured the fat girls of Missoula would like them..especially since there isn't a fat girl store there. So Mom takes the clothes yesterday and the Goodwill worker replies "I don't know where we are going to put them!" She only had 2 bags!!! I'm about to the point where I would rather throw things away than donate! We are giving them things to make money and they ALWAYS are jackasses about it!!! Last time we had a Goodwill incident my Mom ended up dropping an F-bomb out front!!
3, We are planning our summer trips home. I am super excited to get away for a bit! It's been a long time since we have been home.
4. So in addition to summer trips, packing, moving, hot summers, Rick's summer schedule...we have school for Ashleigh!! I enrolled her a few weeks ago. If we move we just transfer to a new school if in the district. If we are in a new district, which I pray we are, then we have to re-enroll. I can't believe we have a kindergartener!! Where did the time go?!?!?!?!!
5. Oh yeah...the Sharks sucked ass and lost in the first round of playoffs. Things around here aren't good!! The team is PISSED...well owners are pissed. I'm worried about the changes next season. We will have a job....but things definitely are going to change. I know change usually is good.....but I'm not sure that is the case here!
6. Big Daddy finally got to shave his stash off!!! I'll post the final picture soon. Of course he hasn't got his reward and not sure if he will! I tease him that he sold his body for nothing! haha
7. At the library, I got a booger flicked on me by dreadlock wearing dad.
Good times we have had!!!
I think that about catches everyone up. I'll try to get in gear and post pics! I miss my blog! lol
So let's do a quick recap and pray extra hard that I can actually get things caught up and back to the current state of our lives!
Ok...what's been going on the past month that my 5 readers would love to hear about.....
1. Just found out yesterday that a convicted rapist lives across the street in the townhouse complex! I'm pretty pissed about this! I have to find out how long he has been living there because by law our AWESOME asshole of a slumlord had to provide us with a website that has all the registered sex offenders listed.....and he didn't! If he has been there longer than we have lived here....then I'm going to figure out what to do next! Maybe we can get out of our lease early!!
2. We already have been planning on moving to get in a better school district....but with item #1....We for sure are moving!!! Living in the hood BLOWS! And it's not that bad of a hood! So now it and cleaning and throwing away and throwing MORE away and packing! Those of you that know me and my family...the pack rat gene runs in the family and I am no exception! Unfortunately for me, Big Daddy doesn't have this gene!! The hardest thing for me to do is throw something that is perfectly good away. Now I know donate donate donate....but this is why donation centers piss me off. I'm a fat I sent some clothes that I can't wear anymore with my mom to give to Goodwill in Missoula. I figured the fat girls of Missoula would like them..especially since there isn't a fat girl store there. So Mom takes the clothes yesterday and the Goodwill worker replies "I don't know where we are going to put them!" She only had 2 bags!!! I'm about to the point where I would rather throw things away than donate! We are giving them things to make money and they ALWAYS are jackasses about it!!! Last time we had a Goodwill incident my Mom ended up dropping an F-bomb out front!!
3, We are planning our summer trips home. I am super excited to get away for a bit! It's been a long time since we have been home.
4. So in addition to summer trips, packing, moving, hot summers, Rick's summer schedule...we have school for Ashleigh!! I enrolled her a few weeks ago. If we move we just transfer to a new school if in the district. If we are in a new district, which I pray we are, then we have to re-enroll. I can't believe we have a kindergartener!! Where did the time go?!?!?!?!!
5. Oh yeah...the Sharks sucked ass and lost in the first round of playoffs. Things around here aren't good!! The team is PISSED...well owners are pissed. I'm worried about the changes next season. We will have a job....but things definitely are going to change. I know change usually is good.....but I'm not sure that is the case here!
6. Big Daddy finally got to shave his stash off!!! I'll post the final picture soon. Of course he hasn't got his reward and not sure if he will! I tease him that he sold his body for nothing! haha
7. At the library, I got a booger flicked on me by dreadlock wearing dad.
Good times we have had!!!
I think that about catches everyone up. I'll try to get in gear and post pics! I miss my blog! lol
Monday, April 20, 2009
All Alone Again
My Mom, Boom and Mike left this morning. It was GREAT having them here and we were so busy that the time just flew by! The girls are pretty upset that they had to leave. That's the part about leaving family that sucks. The girls are getting old enough to be sad and then that makes everyone else extra sad! It really makes me wish I was able to get home more this season and even lived closer to them! Even Gus is sad!! He misses his play buddy, Belle! I have so many pictures to post that I'm sure I won't post all of them! haha I don't seem to be doing well with the picture posting!
Rick is in Anaheim for 4 days and hoping the team wins 2 games...they are down 2-0 so if they don't win...the season could be over Thursday. It was so nice him being home for a few days. I am really anxious for the summer to come! I miss being a family!
It has super super hot today! 95 flippin degrees! Supposed to be the same tomorrow and then go back to normal....upper 70's to lower 60's. It's a good thing we spent some time in the car cause the house was like an oven! On top of being sad that everyone is gone....Ashleigh and I are sick. Rick has been sick so of course we all get it. Addison doesn't seem to be sick...yet anyway! Ashleigh woke up today and said, "Mommy, I don't like the way my voice sounds!"
That's about all for now. I am going to get pictures up soon....I like posts with pictures so much better anyway! I have a mountain of laundry to do and try to stay cool!!
Rick is in Anaheim for 4 days and hoping the team wins 2 games...they are down 2-0 so if they don't win...the season could be over Thursday. It was so nice him being home for a few days. I am really anxious for the summer to come! I miss being a family!
It has super super hot today! 95 flippin degrees! Supposed to be the same tomorrow and then go back to normal....upper 70's to lower 60's. It's a good thing we spent some time in the car cause the house was like an oven! On top of being sad that everyone is gone....Ashleigh and I are sick. Rick has been sick so of course we all get it. Addison doesn't seem to be sick...yet anyway! Ashleigh woke up today and said, "Mommy, I don't like the way my voice sounds!"
That's about all for now. I am going to get pictures up soon....I like posts with pictures so much better anyway! I have a mountain of laundry to do and try to stay cool!!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
I'm So PUMPED!!!
that Mom and Doug and Mike are coming to visit this week!!!
I can't tell you how much I need a family visit!!! It's been a LONG LONG few weeks with all the travel and it will be so nice to have someone here to do things with!!! I know we will be super super busy as we always are. So many things to see and do!
We have been keeping busy already with all kinds of things. The season ends on April 9th. We only have 3 games left before playoffs. I can't believe the regular season is about over! Seems it really flew!! It's weird for me because we won't be going to many games next year with school.
Speaking of school....Ashleigh has her kindergarten doctors appointment on Wednesday!! Then its off to register for school!! I am soo not ready for that! lol She's excited but also not sure about no hockey games. I'm sure she'll manage...and there is no way in hell I am home schooling her!! More power to the parents that do that....but not for me! I am looking forward to the time that I can spend with Addison! lol And then when she is in school....the break I will get! haha
That's about it for now. We are busy cleaning and getting excited for our company! I just hope the weather cooperates! They had snow today!!! lol
I can't tell you how much I need a family visit!!! It's been a LONG LONG few weeks with all the travel and it will be so nice to have someone here to do things with!!! I know we will be super super busy as we always are. So many things to see and do!
We have been keeping busy already with all kinds of things. The season ends on April 9th. We only have 3 games left before playoffs. I can't believe the regular season is about over! Seems it really flew!! It's weird for me because we won't be going to many games next year with school.
Speaking of school....Ashleigh has her kindergarten doctors appointment on Wednesday!! Then its off to register for school!! I am soo not ready for that! lol She's excited but also not sure about no hockey games. I'm sure she'll manage...and there is no way in hell I am home schooling her!! More power to the parents that do that....but not for me! I am looking forward to the time that I can spend with Addison! lol And then when she is in school....the break I will get! haha
That's about it for now. We are busy cleaning and getting excited for our company! I just hope the weather cooperates! They had snow today!!! lol
Monday, March 23, 2009
The Stash.....Day 60!
I'm a little behind in posting a Stash update. I swear there aren't enough hours in the day! I will try to get a new picture up's pretty say the least!!!
I don't have many words for the Stash that are very appropriate! Let's just say that the end of the season can't get here soon enough!! I miss the chin hair and can't wait until it grows back!
I haven't seen these pictures in a long time...and I had forgotten how it looked! Compared to what it looks like now....I would take this look ANY DAY!! Gotta love the Stash wax to do the handlebar look! This has been an experience!!

I don't have many words for the Stash that are very appropriate! Let's just say that the end of the season can't get here soon enough!! I miss the chin hair and can't wait until it grows back!
I haven't seen these pictures in a long time...and I had forgotten how it looked! Compared to what it looks like now....I would take this look ANY DAY!! Gotta love the Stash wax to do the handlebar look! This has been an experience!!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Writer's Block....
I don't know what my problem is! I just haven't felt like posting in a while. We have had a log going on...and I guess I've just been in one of those funks.....
I think I am just a little tired of everything going on. I'll spare everyone the details and my I really think that is the reason why I haven't blogged in a very long time.
Hopefully I'll be back to my old chatty self before too long.....
I think I am just a little tired of everything going on. I'll spare everyone the details and my I really think that is the reason why I haven't blogged in a very long time.
Hopefully I'll be back to my old chatty self before too long.....
Friday, March 6, 2009
I don't know what to call this entry...other than .....!
I have been so slamming busy with this debit card issue that this is seriously the first time in DAYS I have had a chance to sit down and relax in front of my computer!
We are going in about 100 different directions! The girls now want to add skating on Wednesday so that they can be in a show during the World Championships that they are also doing their synco skating in. Ashleigh wants to start swimming and soccer....and I don't know where we will find the time!
We are starting to plan for the summer...but between camps and meetings and girls skating competitions and shows...I don't know if we will even get to go on vacation this year!! I see why people stop going to see family on vacation. Life just gets in the way and you get busy!
So needless to say....I have been a bit overwhelmed and didn't want to whine about all my issues when there are much more pressing issues out there!
I have an updated Stash pic to post and a few other things that I hope to get to soon! I just don't seem to have enough hours in the day!
Oh and I had to start the Kindergarten process for Ashleigh this week......I'm a wreck! lol
I have been so slamming busy with this debit card issue that this is seriously the first time in DAYS I have had a chance to sit down and relax in front of my computer!
We are going in about 100 different directions! The girls now want to add skating on Wednesday so that they can be in a show during the World Championships that they are also doing their synco skating in. Ashleigh wants to start swimming and soccer....and I don't know where we will find the time!
We are starting to plan for the summer...but between camps and meetings and girls skating competitions and shows...I don't know if we will even get to go on vacation this year!! I see why people stop going to see family on vacation. Life just gets in the way and you get busy!
So needless to say....I have been a bit overwhelmed and didn't want to whine about all my issues when there are much more pressing issues out there!
I have an updated Stash pic to post and a few other things that I hope to get to soon! I just don't seem to have enough hours in the day!
Oh and I had to start the Kindergarten process for Ashleigh this week......I'm a wreck! lol
Saturday, February 28, 2009
So I was out to dinner with a friend and her kids tonight and when I went to pay for my part of the meal, my card was declined! WTF! Payday was yesterday!!!!
So I go to the ATM and get cash. Balance shows everythings all good. I then go and bring dinner to a friend of mine who has been moving and working her butt off all day....and guess what.....CARD DECLINED!!!!
So I call the bank.....guess what?!?!! Someone stole my debit card number and has been using it in Tijuana!!
Good times are ahead for sure!! Thankfully Rick gets home tomorrow morning so I can at least get money out....oh and the kicker....I can't change my address (I had no reason to really do it until now) until Monday and it will take 5-7 business days to get a new card!
I'm in a bad mood needless to say!! BOOO!!!
So I go to the ATM and get cash. Balance shows everythings all good. I then go and bring dinner to a friend of mine who has been moving and working her butt off all day....and guess what.....CARD DECLINED!!!!
So I call the bank.....guess what?!?!! Someone stole my debit card number and has been using it in Tijuana!!
Good times are ahead for sure!! Thankfully Rick gets home tomorrow morning so I can at least get money out....oh and the kicker....I can't change my address (I had no reason to really do it until now) until Monday and it will take 5-7 business days to get a new card!
I'm in a bad mood needless to say!! BOOO!!!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
A Typical Bronwell Week!
It has been a while since I have posted....let's just say it has been a typical Bronwell week!!
I'll back up to last Thursday....the 18th. So I was still have having eye drama as we all know. Well my drama the day got so much worse...I felt like I was in an episode of I Love Lucy!! (That feeling seems to run in the family....right Tif?! lol)
So on Thursdays we are extra busy. All started out well with the girls having skating lessons. We ate dinner at the practice rink (even got a surprise visit from Big Daddy) because we started team figure skating that day from 6:00-6:30....then of course we had to hurry off to the game. Things were going as planned. The girls we a little whiny when it came time to get on the ice the second time. Addison didn't do so well. She lost focus about half way through and started crawling away from the teachers on the ice. Yep the crazy child that eats the snow and crawls on the ice is mine! So the girls get off the ice and we are rushing to get skates off and then to the bathroom to change clothes and do hair....when Ashleigh's skate sliced my ring finger on my right hand. No biggie...I carry band aids in my purse, so I put on one. The girls teacher comes up to talk to me about the lesson...and I look...and blood is running down my entire arm onto my shirt. I hurry and end the conversation and pull out another band aid and put it on. Problem solved right? HAHAHAHA
We rush to the bathroom and get everything done then hurry up and get to the game. As we are walking in the arena, I feel something warm and stick on my arm. Yep the blood is now flowing like a faucet down my arm again and dripping everywhere! Good times ahead for me I can see...since I am out of band aids!
We hurry downstairs and, of course, we were late so we missed seeing Rick. I had to have the usher go and get him in the locker room! He came out and saw my drama and went back in to get things to fix me. He bandaged my finger up to look like I had been totally injured! A skate nicked my'd think a simple injury..then again I'm not your typical person!
So upstairs we with my bandaged finger, blood all over me and eye that looked like it was on crack!! Things at this point, I didn't think could get any worse...again...HAHAHA!
All throughout the game, people kept asking me if I was okay, that it had looked like I was crying. So the game ends....I think we won...I don't remember now. So I start down the know where this is going. I was trying to watch the the same time this damn psycho fan that sits in our section, asked me for the THIRD time in a row if the girls were twins. I answer her and look back down at Addison and my right heel caught the edge of the stairs....and down I went! I was so embarrassed!! Thankfully I only had on boots with a 2 inch heel or so. I fell on my left ankle and hit by back. Nothing too I figured I would be okay....when my psysho fan says...."That's gonna hurt tomorrow!" I'm so done with crazy people! I manage to get myself up and down the rest of the stairs without falling again. Falling is so not fun!
I was on the verge of tears and almost went home. I should listen to myself more often! I made it downstairs, got my eye looked at again, and then to the practice rink we went. I usually go with Rick after a game. So again, I should have just gone home! Nope instead I was telling Rick about my night, how I was almost going to have a breakdown...when I tripped over a cart! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?!!!
So eye is still on crack...I'm crying because I am so clumsy.....which makes my eye hurt even finger hurts like ankle is back is throbbing when I hit it on the stairs.....and now my knee hurts! Good times!
I can look back now and kinda laugh at the whole situation....but seriously...I almost had a mental breakdown!
So now, today, things are MUCH better. I still had a Lucy moment when I threw the hose down after spraying off the lawnmower to get the wet grass off it and the hose decided to come alive and spray me in the face...but at least my eye is better...and tomorrow I can wear contacts that I will be able to see with!!
And my bitch today, as it is whenever I mow the yard, (Yes I shouldn't be bitching about mowing in February)......what kind of person lets their dog take a HUGE crap in someone else's yard and doesn't pick it up?!?!?!
So all in all..things have been going better. Big Daddy is out of town until Saturday night so the girls and I are just taking it easy. Ashleigh asked me today if she could take herself to the bathroom when we were in a restaurant for lunch. I didn't let her because Addison had to go too...but seriously I can't believe we are at that stage already....oh and beginning March 2nd....kindergarten enrollment starts! I'm gonna go crazy!! But then again...what else is new!?!?!?!!?!!
Oh and I bought myself a new pair of replace the boots that I threw away after my drama. Of course they have a 4 and 1/2 inch heel! No joke but they are oh so cute!!!! I can tell they are going to lead to some stories as well! Yes I know...I am crazy! lol
I'll back up to last Thursday....the 18th. So I was still have having eye drama as we all know. Well my drama the day got so much worse...I felt like I was in an episode of I Love Lucy!! (That feeling seems to run in the family....right Tif?! lol)
So on Thursdays we are extra busy. All started out well with the girls having skating lessons. We ate dinner at the practice rink (even got a surprise visit from Big Daddy) because we started team figure skating that day from 6:00-6:30....then of course we had to hurry off to the game. Things were going as planned. The girls we a little whiny when it came time to get on the ice the second time. Addison didn't do so well. She lost focus about half way through and started crawling away from the teachers on the ice. Yep the crazy child that eats the snow and crawls on the ice is mine! So the girls get off the ice and we are rushing to get skates off and then to the bathroom to change clothes and do hair....when Ashleigh's skate sliced my ring finger on my right hand. No biggie...I carry band aids in my purse, so I put on one. The girls teacher comes up to talk to me about the lesson...and I look...and blood is running down my entire arm onto my shirt. I hurry and end the conversation and pull out another band aid and put it on. Problem solved right? HAHAHAHA
We rush to the bathroom and get everything done then hurry up and get to the game. As we are walking in the arena, I feel something warm and stick on my arm. Yep the blood is now flowing like a faucet down my arm again and dripping everywhere! Good times ahead for me I can see...since I am out of band aids!
We hurry downstairs and, of course, we were late so we missed seeing Rick. I had to have the usher go and get him in the locker room! He came out and saw my drama and went back in to get things to fix me. He bandaged my finger up to look like I had been totally injured! A skate nicked my'd think a simple injury..then again I'm not your typical person!
So upstairs we with my bandaged finger, blood all over me and eye that looked like it was on crack!! Things at this point, I didn't think could get any worse...again...HAHAHA!
All throughout the game, people kept asking me if I was okay, that it had looked like I was crying. So the game ends....I think we won...I don't remember now. So I start down the know where this is going. I was trying to watch the the same time this damn psycho fan that sits in our section, asked me for the THIRD time in a row if the girls were twins. I answer her and look back down at Addison and my right heel caught the edge of the stairs....and down I went! I was so embarrassed!! Thankfully I only had on boots with a 2 inch heel or so. I fell on my left ankle and hit by back. Nothing too I figured I would be okay....when my psysho fan says...."That's gonna hurt tomorrow!" I'm so done with crazy people! I manage to get myself up and down the rest of the stairs without falling again. Falling is so not fun!
I was on the verge of tears and almost went home. I should listen to myself more often! I made it downstairs, got my eye looked at again, and then to the practice rink we went. I usually go with Rick after a game. So again, I should have just gone home! Nope instead I was telling Rick about my night, how I was almost going to have a breakdown...when I tripped over a cart! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?!!!
So eye is still on crack...I'm crying because I am so clumsy.....which makes my eye hurt even finger hurts like ankle is back is throbbing when I hit it on the stairs.....and now my knee hurts! Good times!
I can look back now and kinda laugh at the whole situation....but seriously...I almost had a mental breakdown!
So now, today, things are MUCH better. I still had a Lucy moment when I threw the hose down after spraying off the lawnmower to get the wet grass off it and the hose decided to come alive and spray me in the face...but at least my eye is better...and tomorrow I can wear contacts that I will be able to see with!!
And my bitch today, as it is whenever I mow the yard, (Yes I shouldn't be bitching about mowing in February)......what kind of person lets their dog take a HUGE crap in someone else's yard and doesn't pick it up?!?!?!
So all in all..things have been going better. Big Daddy is out of town until Saturday night so the girls and I are just taking it easy. Ashleigh asked me today if she could take herself to the bathroom when we were in a restaurant for lunch. I didn't let her because Addison had to go too...but seriously I can't believe we are at that stage already....oh and beginning March 2nd....kindergarten enrollment starts! I'm gonna go crazy!! But then again...what else is new!?!?!?!!?!!
Oh and I bought myself a new pair of replace the boots that I threw away after my drama. Of course they have a 4 and 1/2 inch heel! No joke but they are oh so cute!!!! I can tell they are going to lead to some stories as well! Yes I know...I am crazy! lol
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Dentist Time
The girls went to their dentist for their 6 month check ups today....and I am so happy.....NO CAVITIES!!!!! We just love Dr. Rabitz! The girls love to go there and always ask when is it time to go see Dr. Rabitz...not to mention he's a hottie! lol
I was so happy not to have any teeth drama!!! I think after Ashleigh's issues, we have learned our lesson and brush, floss, mouthwash, and vitamins EVERY night!
I am trying to get the girls to not eat as much candy...and we have been doing a pretty good job. I was telling Dr. Rabitz that I feel we really have done a good job but the girls just love suckers. That's what is hard for me to say no to and of course it is the worst thing for their teeth. He gave us a few samples of this sucker that is sugar-free and actually fights cavity causing bacteria. They girls LOVED them so I think I am going to order a few boxes.
So now on to my drama. I have an eye infection. YAY! No contacts for a while. I'm pumped! It's either one contact or my glasses.....I've been going with one contact! Somehow I have scratched my cornea which has gotten infected because my contacts are suffocating my cornea. I learned all about the eye today! Your eye needs oxygen to live...and my contacts, well right contact, isn't letting enough air in.
I see the team eye doctor and he is amazing!! He works for a company that does eye research that regular eye doctors will see in 5 years. He gave me a bunch of meds to put in my eye to help with the pain and swelling...let me just say it hurts soooo bad that I could barely open my eye this morning! Anyway he is designing me a set of lenses that will breathe better and are made just for me! How awesome is that?!?! I'm excited to get my new lenses and hope it is contact blows! lol
Well off to bed for now....we have a extra busy Thursday ahead of us tomorrow....the girls start their figure skating team and then the Sharks busy busy busy as usual. The great thing is that it isn't supposed to rain tomorrow!! I'll have to post pictures of our "swamp" soon! Thankfully it didn't rain today either!
I was so happy not to have any teeth drama!!! I think after Ashleigh's issues, we have learned our lesson and brush, floss, mouthwash, and vitamins EVERY night!
I am trying to get the girls to not eat as much candy...and we have been doing a pretty good job. I was telling Dr. Rabitz that I feel we really have done a good job but the girls just love suckers. That's what is hard for me to say no to and of course it is the worst thing for their teeth. He gave us a few samples of this sucker that is sugar-free and actually fights cavity causing bacteria. They girls LOVED them so I think I am going to order a few boxes.
So now on to my drama. I have an eye infection. YAY! No contacts for a while. I'm pumped! It's either one contact or my glasses.....I've been going with one contact! Somehow I have scratched my cornea which has gotten infected because my contacts are suffocating my cornea. I learned all about the eye today! Your eye needs oxygen to live...and my contacts, well right contact, isn't letting enough air in.
I see the team eye doctor and he is amazing!! He works for a company that does eye research that regular eye doctors will see in 5 years. He gave me a bunch of meds to put in my eye to help with the pain and swelling...let me just say it hurts soooo bad that I could barely open my eye this morning! Anyway he is designing me a set of lenses that will breathe better and are made just for me! How awesome is that?!?! I'm excited to get my new lenses and hope it is contact blows! lol
Well off to bed for now....we have a extra busy Thursday ahead of us tomorrow....the girls start their figure skating team and then the Sharks busy busy busy as usual. The great thing is that it isn't supposed to rain tomorrow!! I'll have to post pictures of our "swamp" soon! Thankfully it didn't rain today either!
Monday, February 16, 2009
The Stash.....Day 47!

I will have to post a picture with the mustache wax in use! It keeps it out of his mouth....but because it is so long and bushy...he has to reapply it over and over to keep it up! He now tells me that today he twisted it up in the handlebar shape....NICE and of course all the guys loved it!! This is going to be a very LONG end of the season!! lol
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Disney Day 2....Part 2
So I figured I would try to finish posting my Disney adventure sooner rather that later!!! So to recap...we are at California Adventure in the day and Disney in the evening.
After we rode Monsters, Inc. we decided to stop for lunch. This is when I asked the girls what their favorite rides were.
After lunch we headed over to Playhouse Disney. They take a few shows that are playing on the Disney Channel and use puppets and act them out. The girls loved it! Last year they both fell asleep! It was different shows and we didn't really know them. This year it was Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Little Einsteins, My Friends Tigger And Pooh and Handy Manny. While waiting for the the show to start, they girls did a little MONEY MAKER Shakin!! Oh and on the way to the show...I had to snap this shot.....COME ON!!! You're in a theme walk ALL over...and you chose THIS to wear?!?!?!!? Keep in mind it was cold too!!

After we danced at Playhouse Disney, we went over to the Muppets. California Adventure has a lot of 3-D attractions. The Muppets was a great show. I love how Addison puts on the glasses upside down! She did this every time we were given a pair! Of course we had to take goofy pictures while waiting! It wouldn't be a Bronwell adventure without them!

After Muppets, we decided it had slowed down in the rain department and ventured out to do a few rides outside. Ashleigh loves this next ride! She had been talking about it all day and couldn't wait to ride it! The little caterpillar that you ride acts like he is eating food while you are riding along. When you go through the watermelon, you get misted with watermelon smelling water. When you go through the animal crackers it smells like animal crackers. Ashleigh told me when I rode it with her, that she likes it because Heimlich, the caterpillar, like candy corn and so does she!! She is still talking about this ride!

Ashleigh is such a little protector of Addison!! We were getting ready to ride the ladybugs which were kinda like the teacups. They spin around but you don't turn a center thing. Ashleigh was telling Addison not to be scared!

Next was these Flick's Flying something. This whole area is after A Bug's Life. I HATE this ride!! I take after my mom in my old age!! I really don't like rides....I just suck it up. Our children.....LOVE this ride!! Ashleigh rode with me and Addison rode with Daddy. You get in these box things that go up and around. They are a lot like the balloons at Gilroy Gardens.
Ashleigh before the ride started......
During the ride! Addison was doing the same thing...I just couldn't turn around to get her picture! Daddy taught them to do this while riding. I, on the other hand, hold on for dear life!
I love that Rick looks like he is talking to himself!!
This is just a picture of Paradise Pier....not everything was working due to the weather. Thankfully the roller coaster wasn't working when we went by the first time!
Next we headed to another carousel....more my speed!! Again let the craziness begin! This is why I take the pictures!! lol

I really like the light on this one. It was just starting to get dark.
As we made our way over to Grizzly Peak, we ran into a marching band......
It totally brought back the memories for both Big Daddy and I. When I went to Disneyland for the first time in 1992, (damn I just dated myself!) my band marched in the nighttime parade. They hadn't built California Adventure yet. We both shared great memories marching in the band!
After the band passed, we went to ride another one of our favorites from last year...and unfortunately it wasn't working for some reason. Grizzly Peak is a water ride that you ride in these raft things and get wet. I am thinking it was too cold for it to be working, but it didn't even have water in it. The girls both were sleeping last year so we took turns riding it by ourselves. Ashleigh would have been tall enough this year.
So of course you know that the Bronwell's just can't have a normal day without something crazy happening.....this was was no exception!
As we walked back around to investigate why Grizzly Peak wasn't working, I saw a few people standing around this trash we decided to see what was going on. This trash can was talking!! I took a video of it and had to stop taking it when it started to chase me!! It thought I was taking a picture and kept saying "CHEEEEEESSEEEEEEE!!!"
Addison was so scared that she wouldn't even get out of the stroller!! Ashleigh grabbed onto Rick and didn't understand what was going on...
and Big Daddy thought it was great!!!

I have so much more to post but am going to stop for today. I don't want to make my post so long that it takes forever to read....besides its time to try to get the little monkeys in bed. Rick will be home late tonight...and I am happy to report, now that the road trip is over, no car crashes and nothing eventful really happened!!! He is home for 6 days with 3 games then gone again for 8...not like I had said this before! lol It's supposed to rain all week again....and I am sick of it! Seriously it never rains in the summer but does this time of year. At least everythign is green and not brown and nasty like it gets in the summer!
Okay...enough from me...until tomorrow.....
oh and I can't wait to see how much the Stash has grown! And the wax finally got here!!!! SOOO stay tuned for another installment of....THE STASH!!
After we rode Monsters, Inc. we decided to stop for lunch. This is when I asked the girls what their favorite rides were.
After lunch we headed over to Playhouse Disney. They take a few shows that are playing on the Disney Channel and use puppets and act them out. The girls loved it! Last year they both fell asleep! It was different shows and we didn't really know them. This year it was Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Little Einsteins, My Friends Tigger And Pooh and Handy Manny. While waiting for the the show to start, they girls did a little MONEY MAKER Shakin!! Oh and on the way to the show...I had to snap this shot.....COME ON!!! You're in a theme walk ALL over...and you chose THIS to wear?!?!?!!? Keep in mind it was cold too!!
After we danced at Playhouse Disney, we went over to the Muppets. California Adventure has a lot of 3-D attractions. The Muppets was a great show. I love how Addison puts on the glasses upside down! She did this every time we were given a pair! Of course we had to take goofy pictures while waiting! It wouldn't be a Bronwell adventure without them!
Next was these Flick's Flying something. This whole area is after A Bug's Life. I HATE this ride!! I take after my mom in my old age!! I really don't like rides....I just suck it up. Our children.....LOVE this ride!! Ashleigh rode with me and Addison rode with Daddy. You get in these box things that go up and around. They are a lot like the balloons at Gilroy Gardens.
After the band passed, we went to ride another one of our favorites from last year...and unfortunately it wasn't working for some reason. Grizzly Peak is a water ride that you ride in these raft things and get wet. I am thinking it was too cold for it to be working, but it didn't even have water in it. The girls both were sleeping last year so we took turns riding it by ourselves. Ashleigh would have been tall enough this year.
As we walked back around to investigate why Grizzly Peak wasn't working, I saw a few people standing around this trash we decided to see what was going on. This trash can was talking!! I took a video of it and had to stop taking it when it started to chase me!! It thought I was taking a picture and kept saying "CHEEEEEESSEEEEEEE!!!"
Addison was so scared that she wouldn't even get out of the stroller!! Ashleigh grabbed onto Rick and didn't understand what was going on...
I have so much more to post but am going to stop for today. I don't want to make my post so long that it takes forever to read....besides its time to try to get the little monkeys in bed. Rick will be home late tonight...and I am happy to report, now that the road trip is over, no car crashes and nothing eventful really happened!!! He is home for 6 days with 3 games then gone again for 8...not like I had said this before! lol It's supposed to rain all week again....and I am sick of it! Seriously it never rains in the summer but does this time of year. At least everythign is green and not brown and nasty like it gets in the summer!
Okay...enough from me...until tomorrow.....
oh and I can't wait to see how much the Stash has grown! And the wax finally got here!!!! SOOO stay tuned for another installment of....THE STASH!!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day!!
I just want to wish everyone a Happy Valentine's Day!!!
I am so happy that Big Daddy comes home tomorrow night!!! This 10 road trip has been forever it seems!!!!
The weather has been rainy here and cold so we have been confined to the house. It really has been a good trip over all. I just am happy to not be a single parent for the next 6 days...well really 3 because we have 3 games in the 6 days he is home. Welcome to the end of the season schedule!!
I gotta keep this short....we are getting up early for church so I gotta get some sleep. The girls will KILL me if I oversleep and they don't get to go! lol
I am so happy that Big Daddy comes home tomorrow night!!! This 10 road trip has been forever it seems!!!!
The weather has been rainy here and cold so we have been confined to the house. It really has been a good trip over all. I just am happy to not be a single parent for the next 6 days...well really 3 because we have 3 games in the 6 days he is home. Welcome to the end of the season schedule!!
I gotta keep this short....we are getting up early for church so I gotta get some sleep. The girls will KILL me if I oversleep and they don't get to go! lol
Thursday, February 12, 2009
I fell off the blog wagon!! BOOOO for me!!!
Let me back up a bit and share what has been going on in our lives.
After the Super Bowl, our lives went on fast speed!!
On Monday, my wonderful husband arranged for a night away for us...and I had NO clue!! He got the girls to spend the night at our friends house, booked a hotel, made dinner reservations, and spa appointments!! Oh and made arrangements for the dog! I was totally shocked and had the best time!!
We stayed at Hotel Valencia and then had dinner at Maggiano's and had our spa night at Burke Williams. The room was a jr. suite complete with champagne and chocolate covered strawberries. I have never been in such a nice hotel! Dinner was amazing!! Maggiano's is one of my favorite restaurants! The spa was fantastic!!! This was the first time I had ever been to a spa...and it won't be my last!! We got massages and it was so relaxing that I want to go back again!!! lol I could go on and on about how special our evening was. It was so nice and something that we both enjoyed more than words can say! I can't tell you the last time it was just Big Daddy and I with some time just to laze around! lol
So after our relaxing night, we were busy! We did our normal skating on Thursday, followed by a Sharks game. Then Rick went out of town on Friday for 10 days. Now if you remember, I crashed the car last long road trip a year I was hoping for a better trip this time! So all we have been doing is running errands, getting ready for Valentine's day and going to the gym.
The girls had skating today and I got them all set for their synchronized skating team that will start next Thursday....I know...of all days Thursday is the worst for us....but busy days go by fast! They are very excited to compete in the World Championships in July. I can't wait to see them out there!
Thankfully Big Daddy will be home on Sunday night so the trip is almost over. We are spending tomorrow cleaning....MUCH MUCH overdue!! Oh and today, Big Daddy sent flowers for the girls and then a separate bouquet for me! Seriously he is working on Husband Of The Year!!
I gotta run....I need to finish our Disney adventure soon!! Hopefully I can get motivated and do it
Let me back up a bit and share what has been going on in our lives.
After the Super Bowl, our lives went on fast speed!!
On Monday, my wonderful husband arranged for a night away for us...and I had NO clue!! He got the girls to spend the night at our friends house, booked a hotel, made dinner reservations, and spa appointments!! Oh and made arrangements for the dog! I was totally shocked and had the best time!!
We stayed at Hotel Valencia and then had dinner at Maggiano's and had our spa night at Burke Williams. The room was a jr. suite complete with champagne and chocolate covered strawberries. I have never been in such a nice hotel! Dinner was amazing!! Maggiano's is one of my favorite restaurants! The spa was fantastic!!! This was the first time I had ever been to a spa...and it won't be my last!! We got massages and it was so relaxing that I want to go back again!!! lol I could go on and on about how special our evening was. It was so nice and something that we both enjoyed more than words can say! I can't tell you the last time it was just Big Daddy and I with some time just to laze around! lol
So after our relaxing night, we were busy! We did our normal skating on Thursday, followed by a Sharks game. Then Rick went out of town on Friday for 10 days. Now if you remember, I crashed the car last long road trip a year I was hoping for a better trip this time! So all we have been doing is running errands, getting ready for Valentine's day and going to the gym.
The girls had skating today and I got them all set for their synchronized skating team that will start next Thursday....I know...of all days Thursday is the worst for us....but busy days go by fast! They are very excited to compete in the World Championships in July. I can't wait to see them out there!
Thankfully Big Daddy will be home on Sunday night so the trip is almost over. We are spending tomorrow cleaning....MUCH MUCH overdue!! Oh and today, Big Daddy sent flowers for the girls and then a separate bouquet for me! Seriously he is working on Husband Of The Year!!
I gotta run....I need to finish our Disney adventure soon!! Hopefully I can get motivated and do it
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Super Bowl Sunday
I have to say that today was a FANTASTIC day other than the fact that the Steelers won the game! BOOOOOO!!!! I was rooting for the Cardinals. Oh was a good game from the 5 minutes I saw!!
We had great weather today as well! Ashleigh was finally feeling like her sassy self and selected a pair of booty shorts to wear today! I call them booty shorts because she looks so old with these shorty shorts on! And of course a Hannah Montana T so go with it.
Addison still is a little sick....but MUCH better than last night. Rosemary, a girl that works at the rink, gave me Vaseline to put on her face to help with her rash and it cleared it up over night. AMAZING! She still has a cough and a little runny nose...but so much better than the rest of the week.
We went over to our friends house first. They just bought a new house and it is AMAZING! I only wish we could live in something like that! I would have people over all the time! We had just the best time with her kids and family.
After a few hours there, we headed over to some other friends for a 1 year old birthday party. It was great to see a birthday party for a boy...and a 1st birthday party. He got a slice of cake and didn't quite know what to do with it. I was tempted to have the girls show him how to do it since they did so well with their whole cake on their first birthday. They had a pinata there as well. I didn't think the girls would know what one was since I didn't think they had seen one before. Ashleigh informed me, when she saw it hanging up, that you hit it with the magic stick and CANDY falls out! Apparently at KidsPark, the drop in day care place, they did one. News to me! lol
It was a great day! The girls feel asleep in the car on the way home and took a good nap. Now time for bed as a new fantastic day is tomorrow! And of from today but I am so tired I don't have the energy to put them on tonight!
We had great weather today as well! Ashleigh was finally feeling like her sassy self and selected a pair of booty shorts to wear today! I call them booty shorts because she looks so old with these shorty shorts on! And of course a Hannah Montana T so go with it.
Addison still is a little sick....but MUCH better than last night. Rosemary, a girl that works at the rink, gave me Vaseline to put on her face to help with her rash and it cleared it up over night. AMAZING! She still has a cough and a little runny nose...but so much better than the rest of the week.
We went over to our friends house first. They just bought a new house and it is AMAZING! I only wish we could live in something like that! I would have people over all the time! We had just the best time with her kids and family.
After a few hours there, we headed over to some other friends for a 1 year old birthday party. It was great to see a birthday party for a boy...and a 1st birthday party. He got a slice of cake and didn't quite know what to do with it. I was tempted to have the girls show him how to do it since they did so well with their whole cake on their first birthday. They had a pinata there as well. I didn't think the girls would know what one was since I didn't think they had seen one before. Ashleigh informed me, when she saw it hanging up, that you hit it with the magic stick and CANDY falls out! Apparently at KidsPark, the drop in day care place, they did one. News to me! lol
It was a great day! The girls feel asleep in the car on the way home and took a good nap. Now time for bed as a new fantastic day is tomorrow! And of from today but I am so tired I don't have the energy to put them on tonight!
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Disney Day 2....Part 1
Back to the Disney update!! So on Friday, our second day on our vacation, we went across the little walkway to California Adventure. Rick and I really liked this park. We didn't get to spend much time here last year so it was nice to spend the whole day this year. Before we got out the door, we had to do a little posing with the mouse ears! Good thing we took pictures before we went outside.......because it BUCKETED rain!! Notice the lovely ponchos in some of the pictures. I HATE ponchos!! Ashleigh hated hers as well and Addison just sat in the stroller all covered up so she didn't need hers! Big Daddy was the only one that wore his!! He's the only smart one in the family! lol

California Adventure has a lot of fun things to do. Last year Ashleigh was too small to go on anything really big here. This year she was able to go on almost everything. My favorite ride, Soarin Over California, was a big hit with her. She rode with Rick and then again with me. It's really cool because you actually feel like you are flying. I know Addison will love it when she is tall enough.
Right outside Soarin, was a cute little Cars thing. The girls had to pose with Lightening McQueen and Tow Mater....hope I got those names right! I've only heard the movie from the from of the car! lol

After we each rode a few times, it was over to Aladdin, the musical. (Make sure you scroll down to the video) We missed this last year and kept hearing people talk about how neat it was. It as sooo great!! They did a fantastic job putting it on! The girls LOVED it!! Rick loved it as well since it is his favorite Disney movie.

I loved Genie and the Magic Carpet!!

I'm sure they will be making a Wall-E ride soon! We love Wall-E!
Then we went to Monsters, Inc. Again last year this one was closed so we didn't get to do it. We made up for it this year!! We probably rode it 10 times in a row!! We enjoyed seeing different things each time we rode it. There are 6 hidden Mickey ears throughout the ride. We were able to find them all...tells you how much we rode this ride!!! lol

They really do make it feel like you have seen the whole movie in the time it took to ride the ride. I'm glad it was open this year as we did have so much fun in Monstropolis!
After we finally finished riding Monsters, Inc. I wanted to take a few pictures of the girls. They posed so cute in front of this fountain. Last year Addison was asleep so we didn't get any pictures of her around the ride. This year she was in a better mood than Ashleigh to take pictures!

That's it for today.....the Sharks play I gotta get busy getting ready.
California Adventure has a lot of fun things to do. Last year Ashleigh was too small to go on anything really big here. This year she was able to go on almost everything. My favorite ride, Soarin Over California, was a big hit with her. She rode with Rick and then again with me. It's really cool because you actually feel like you are flying. I know Addison will love it when she is tall enough.
Right outside Soarin, was a cute little Cars thing. The girls had to pose with Lightening McQueen and Tow Mater....hope I got those names right! I've only heard the movie from the from of the car! lol
After we each rode a few times, it was over to Aladdin, the musical. (Make sure you scroll down to the video) We missed this last year and kept hearing people talk about how neat it was. It as sooo great!! They did a fantastic job putting it on! The girls LOVED it!! Rick loved it as well since it is his favorite Disney movie.
I loved Genie and the Magic Carpet!!
I'm sure they will be making a Wall-E ride soon! We love Wall-E!
They really do make it feel like you have seen the whole movie in the time it took to ride the ride. I'm glad it was open this year as we did have so much fun in Monstropolis!
After we finally finished riding Monsters, Inc. I wanted to take a few pictures of the girls. They posed so cute in front of this fountain. Last year Addison was asleep so we didn't get any pictures of her around the ride. This year she was in a better mood than Ashleigh to take pictures!
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